Human (GRCh37.p13)

staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30646]

Gene Synonyms

TDRD11, p100

About this transcript

This transcript has 6 exons, is annotated with 9 domains and features, is associated with 78917 variant alleles and maps to 156 oligo probes.

Transcript IDNamebpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeCCDSUniProt MatchRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
CCDS34747B2R5U1 Q7KZF4 NM_014390.2Ensembl CanonicalGENCODE basic
Protein coding
H7C597 -CDS 5' and 3' incomplete
ENST00000467238.1SND1-008716No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000465900.1SND1-007630No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000483503.1SND1-004603No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000485871.1SND1-012597No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000470723.1SND1-009568No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000461056.1SND1-002555No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000468166.1SND1-006552No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000492772.1SND1-005549No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000470463.1SND1-010530No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000468621.1SND1-003494No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000492840.1SND1-015472No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000484767.1SND1-014460No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000489417.1SND1-0111447No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000463020.1SND1-013793No protein-
Retained intron

Exons: 6, Coding exons: 6, Transcript length: 695 bps, Translation length: 231 residues

Incomplete CDS

CDS 5' and 3' incomplete




Protein coding

Annotation Method

Manual annotation (determined on a case-by-case basis) from the Havana project.

Alternative transcripts

This transcript corresponds to the following database identifiers:

Havana transcript:
OTTHUMT00000349163 (version 1)