Human (GRCh37.p13)

staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30646]

Gene Synonyms

TDRD11, p100

About this transcript

This transcript has 24 exons, is annotated with 37 domains and features, is associated with 174669 variant alleles and maps to 835 oligo probes.

Transcript IDNamebpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeCCDSUniProt MatchRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
CCDS34747B2R5U1 Q7KZF4 NM_014390.2Ensembl CanonicalGENCODE basic
Protein coding
H7C597 -CDS 5' and 3' incomplete
ENST00000467238.1SND1-008716No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000465900.1SND1-007630No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000483503.1SND1-004603No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000485871.1SND1-012597No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000470723.1SND1-009568No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000461056.1SND1-002555No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000468166.1SND1-006552No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000492772.1SND1-005549No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000470463.1SND1-010530No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000468621.1SND1-003494No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000492840.1SND1-015472No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000484767.1SND1-014460No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000489417.1SND1-0111447No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000463020.1SND1-013793No protein-
Retained intron

Exons: 24, Coding exons: 24, Transcript length: 3,476 bps, Translation length: 910 residues


This transcript corresponds to the following Uniprot identifiers: Q7KZF4


This transcript is a member of the Human CCDS set: CCDS34747




Protein coding

Annotation Method

Transcript where the Ensembl genebuild transcript and the Havana manual annotation have the same sequence, for every base pair. See article.

Alternative transcripts

This transcript corresponds to the following database identifiers:

Transcript having exact match between ENSEMBL and HAVANA:
OTTHUMT00000349148 (version 1)
GENCODE basic gene

This transcript is a member of the Gencode basic gene set.