Ensembl Variation - Phenotype and disease annotations

Phenotypes are imported from a number of external sources and displayed in Ensembl. On top of these, for human we display the clinical significance of variants, and map phenotype terms using ontologies.

Clinical significance

See below the list of the clinical significance terms you can find in the human Ensembl Variation database:

IconValueClinVar exampleDGVa example
likely benignrs665nsv3889592
confers sensitivityrs6478108-
drug responsers6025nsv3884269
pathogenic low penetrancers6025nsv7093378
likely pathogenicrs381418esv1791727
likely pathogenic low penetrancers202173660nsv6314862
established risk allelers1801581-
likely risk allelers374351038-
risk factorrs699nsv3916072
not providedrs1921nsv3911833
uncertain risk allelers650616nsv6314985
uncertain significancers1205esv2830426

Further explanations about the clinical significance terms are available on the ClinVar website.

ClinVar rating

We use the ClinVar "four-star" rating system to indicate the quality of classification/validation of the variant:

greygreygreygrey not classified by submitter rs566460194
goldgreygreygrey classified by single submitter rs779500359
goldgoldgreygrey classified by multiple submitters rs199798987
goldgoldgoldgrey reviewed by expert panel rs1389409325
goldgoldgoldgold practice guideline rs74551128

Phenotype/disease ontologies

We import ontology terms related to phenotypes, traits and diseases from a variety of sources using an automated process. Ontologies used are:

CMO Clinical Measurement Ontology 2019-02-19
EFO Experimental Factor Ontology 3.49.0
HPO Human Phenotype Ontology 2022-06-11
MP Mammalian Phenotype Ontology
VT Vertebrate Trait Ontology

Descriptions are linked to ontology terms using:

  • Mappings provided by association data sources such as Orphanet, the NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog and ClinVar
  • Annotations of OMIM terms created by HPO
  • Annotations of OMIM terms created by Orphanet
  • Ontology LookUp Service searches of full or truncated descriptions for exact matches to terms or synomyms
  • Zooma searches of annotations curated by the European Variation Archive team

Phenotype classes

We group phenotype terms into the classes below:

Classes Example phenotypes Example variants
trait 'Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome' from ClinVar rs1131691080
tumour 'Stomach tumour' from COSMIC COSV99999999
non_specified 'not specified' from ClinVar rs376237905

These can be used to retrieve corresponding subsets of phenotype annotations for genes or in a specific region via the REST API. Phenotype pages are displayed for all classes except 'non_specified' class.


  • Sebastian Köhler, Sandra C Doelken, Christopher J. Mungall, Sebastian Bauer, Helen V. Firth, Isabelle Bailleul-Forestier, Graeme C. M. Black, Danielle L. Brown, Michael Brudno, Jennifer Campbell, David R. FitzPatrick, Janan T. Eppig, Andrew P. Jackson, Kathleen Freson, Marta Girdea, Ingo Helbig, Jane A. Hurst, Johanna Jähn, Laird G. Jackson, Anne M. Kelly, David H. Ledbetter, Sahar Mansour, Christa L. Martin, Celia Moss, Andrew Mumford, Willem H. Ouwehand, Soo-Mi Park, Erin Rooney Riggs, Richard H. Scott, Sanjay Sisodiya, Steven Van Vooren, Ronald J. Wapner, Andrew O. M. Wilkie, Caroline F. Wright, Anneke T. Vulto-van Silfhout, Nicole de Leeuw, Bert B. A. de Vries, Nicole L. Washingthon, Cynthia L. Smith, Monte Westerfield, Paul Schofield, Barbara J. Ruef, Georgios V. Gkoutos, Melissa Haendel, Damian Smedley, Suzanna E. Lewis, and Peter N. Robinson
    The Human Phenotype Ontology project: linking molecular biology and disease through phenotype data
    Nucl. Acids Res. (1 January 2014) 42 (D1): D966-D974

  • Malone J, Holloway E, Adamusiak T, Kapushesky M, Zheng J, Kolesnikov N, Zhukova, A, Brazma A, Parkinson H.
    Modeling sample variables with an Experimental Factor Ontology
    Bioinformatics (2010) 26 (8): 1112-1118