| This plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) annotates missense variants with the
pre-computed AlphaMissense pathogenicity scores. AlphaMissense is a deep learning model developed
by Google DeepMind that predicts the pathogenicity of single nucleotide missense variants. more This plugin will add two annotations per missense variant: - am_pathogenicity, a continuous score between 0 and 1 which can be interpreted as the predicted probability of the variant being pathogenic.
- am_class is the classification of the variant into one of three discrete categories: likely_pathogenic, likely_benign, or ambiguous. These are derived using the following
thresholds of am_pathogenicity:
likely_benign if am_pathogenicity < 0.34;
likely_pathogenic if am_pathogenicity > 0.564;
ambiguous otherwise.
These thresholds were chosen to achieve 90% precision for both pathogenic and benign ClinVar variants.
Note that AlphaMissense was not trained on ClinVar variants. Variants labeled as ambiguous should be
treated as unknown or uncertain according to AlphaMissense. This plugin is available for both GRCh37 (hg19) and GRCh38 (hg38) genome builds. The prediction scores of AlphaMissense can be downloaded from
(AlphaMissense Database Copyright (2023) DeepMind Technologies Limited). Data contained within the
AlphaMissense Database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(CC-BY) (the “License”). You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Use of the AlphaMissense Database is subject to Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service Please cite the AlphaMissense publication alongside the VEP
if you use this resource: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adg7492 Disclaimer: The AlphaMissense Database and other information provided on or linked to this site is
for theoretical modelling only, caution should be exercised in use. It is provided "as-is" without
any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. For clarity, no warranty is given that use of
the information shall not infringe the rights of any third party (and this disclaimer takes precedence
over any contrary provisions in the Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service). The information provided
is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and does
not constitute medical or other professional advice. Before running the plugin for the first time, you need to create a tabix index (requires tabix to be
installed). tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -f -S 1 AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -f -S 1 AlphaMissense_hg19.tsv.gz
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) Tabix-indexed AlphaMissense data | cols | (optional) Colon-separated columns to print from AlphaMissense data; if set to all, all columns are printed
(default: Missense_pathogenicity:Missense_class)
| transcript_match | Only print data if transcript identifiers match those from AlphaMissense data (default: 0) |
AlphaMissense predictions are matched to input data by genomic location and protein change by default. Usage examples:
mv AlphaMissense.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# print AlphaMissense scores and predictions (default)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/full/path/to/file.tsv.gz # print all AlphaMissense information
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/full/path/to/file.tsv.gz,cols=all # only report results for the transcripts in the AlphaMissense prediction
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/full/path/to/file.tsv.gz,transcript_match=1
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves ancestral allele sequences from a FASTA file. more Ensembl produces FASTA file dumps of the ancestral sequences of key species.
For optimal retrieval speed, you should pre-process the FASTA files into a single
bgzipped file that can be accessed via Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx (installed by VEP's
INSTALL.pl): wget https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_fasta/ancestral_alleles/homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.tar.gz
tar xfz homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.tar.gz
cat homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38/*.fa | bgzip -c > homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.fa.gz
rm -rf homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38/ homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.tar.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AncestralAllele,homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.fa.gz
The plugin is also compatible with Bio::DB::Fasta and an uncompressed FASTA file. Note the first time you run the plugin with a newly generated FASTA file it will
spend some time indexing the file. DO NOT INTERRUPT THIS PROCESS, particularly
if you do not have Bio::DB::HTS installed. Special cases:
- - represents an insertion
- ? indicates the chromosome could not be looked up in the FASTA
Usage examples:
mv AncestralAllele.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AncestralAllele,homo_sapiens_ancestor_GRCh38.fa.gz
| Conservation | - | Ensembl |
| Automatic VAriant evidence DAtabase is a novel machine learning tool that uses natural language processing
to automatically identify pathogenic genetic variant evidence in full-text primary literature about
monogenic disease and convert it to genomic coordinates. more Please cite the AVADA publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31467448/ NB: The plugin currently does not annotate for downstream_gene_variant and upstream_gene_variant. Pre-requisites
- AVADA data is available for GRCh37 and can be downloaded from: http://bejerano.stanford.edu/AVADA/avada_v1.00_2016.vcf.gz
wget http://bejerano.stanford.edu/AVADA/avada_v1.00_2016.vcf.gz
- The file needs to be tabix indexed. You can do this by following commands:
gzip -d avada_v1.00_2016.vcf.gz
bgzip avada_v1.00_2016.vcf
tabix avada_v1.00_2016.vcf.gz
- As you have already noticed, tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
The plugin can then be run to retrieve AVADA annotations.
By default, the variants are matched with the HGNC gene symbol
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file
The output always includes one of the following columns depending on the option passed:
- AVADA_PMID: PubMed ID evidence for the variant as reported by AVADA
- AVADA_PMID_WITH_VARIANT: PubMed ID evidence for the variant as reported by AVADA along with the original variant string
- AVADA_PMID_WITH_FEATURE: PubMed ID evidence for the variant as reported by AVADA along with feature id
- AVADA_PMID_WITH_FEATURE_AND_VARIANT: PubMed ID evidence for the variant as reported by AVADA along with feature id and original variant string
The plugin can optionally be run by specifying the feature to match with. In order to match by HGNC gene symbol:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file,feature_match_by=gene_symbol
In order to match by Ensembl gene identifier :
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file,feature_match_by=ensembl_gene_id
In order to match by RefSeq identifier :
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file,feature_match_by=refseq_id
The plugin can also be run to report the original variant string reported in the publication.
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file,original_variant_string=1
Usage examples: ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin AVADA,file=path/to/file,feature_match_by=<gene_symbol|ensembl_gene_id|refseq_id>
| Phenotype data and citations | List::MoreUtils qw(uniq) | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds the BayesDel scores to VEP output. more BayesDel is a deleteriousness meta-score combining multiple deleteriousness predictors to create an overall score. It works for coding and non-coding variants,
single nucleotide variants and small insertion/deletions.
The range of the score is from -1.29334 to 0.75731.
The higher the score, the more likely the variant is pathogenic.
For more information please visit: https://fenglab.chpc.utah.edu/BayesDel/BayesDel.html Please cite the BayesDel publication alongside the Ensembl VEP if you use this resource:
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/humu.23158 BayesDel pre-computed scores can be downloaded from
Note: These files only contain pre-computed BayesDel scores for missense variants for assembly GRCh37. For GRCh37:
tar zxvf BayesDel_170824_addAF.tgz
rm *.gz.tbi
gunzip *.gz
for f in BayesDel_170824_addAF_chr*; do grep -v "^#" $f >> BayesDel_170824_addAF.txt; done
cat BayesDel_170824_addAF.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > BayesDel_170824_addAF_sorted.txt
grep "^#" BayesDel_170824_addAF_chr1 > BayesDel_170824_addAF_all_scores.txt
cat BayesDel_170824_addAF_sorted.txt >> BayesDel_170824_addAF_all_scores.txt
bgzip BayesDel_170824_addAF_all_scores.txt
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 BayesDel_170824_addAF_all_scores.txt.gz
For GRCh38:
Remap GRCh37 file The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv BayesDel.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin BayesDel,file=/path/to/BayesDel/BayesDel_170824_addAF_all_scores.txt.gz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
looks up the BLOSUM 62 substitution matrix score for the reference
and alternative amino acids predicted for a missense mutation. It adds
one new entry to the VEP's Extra column, BLOSUM62 which is the
associated score. more Usage examples:
mv Blosum62.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Blosum62
| Conservation | - | Ensembl |
Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion | A VEP plugin that retrieves CADD scores for variants from one or more
tabix-indexed CADD data files. more Please cite the CADD publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24487276 The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. The CADD SNV and indels data files (and respective Tabix index files) can be downloaded from -
http://cadd.gs.washington.edu/download The CADD SV data files (and respective Tabix index files) can be downloaded from -
https://kircherlab.bihealth.org/download/CADD-SV/v1.1/ By default the plugin is designed to not annotate SV variant if a SNV and/or indels CADD
annotation file is provided. Because it can results in too many lines matched from the annotation
files and increase run time exponentially. You can override this behavior by providing
force_annotate=1 which will force the plugin to annotate with the expense of increasing runtime. The plugin works with all versions of available CADD files. The plugin only
reports scores and does not consider any additional annotations from a CADD
file. It is therefore sufficient to use CADD files without the additional
annotations. Usage examples:
mv CADD.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin CADD,snv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz,indels=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/InDels.tsv.gz
./vep -i structural_variations.vcf --plugin CADD,sv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/1000G_phase3_SVs.tsv.gz
./vep -i structural_variations.vcf --plugin CADD,snv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz,indels=/FULL_PATH_TO_CADD_FILE/InDels.tsv.gz,force_annotate=1
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves CAPICE scores for variants from one or more
tabix-indexed CAPICE data files, in order to predict their pathogenicity. more Please cite the CAPICE publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32831124/ The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. The CAPICE
SNVs, InDels and respective index (TBI) files for GRCh37 can be downloaded from
https://zenodo.org/record/3928295 To filter results, please use filter_vep with the output file or standard
output. Documentation on filter_vep is available at:
https://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_filter.html For recommendations on threshold selection, please read the CAPICE publication. Usage examples:
mv CAPICE.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
# Download CAPICE SNVs, InDels and index (TBI) files to the same path
# - capice_v1.0_build37_indels.tsv.gz
# - capice_v1.0_build37_indels.tsv.gz.tbi
# - capice_v1.0_build37_snvs.tsv.gz
# - capice_v1.0_build37_snvs.tsv.gz.tbi
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin CAPICE,snv=/FULL_PATH_TO_CAPICE_FILE/capice_v1.0_build37_snvs.tsv.gz,indels=/FULL_PATH_TO_CAPICE_FILE/capice_v1.0_build37_indels.tsv.gz
./filter_vep -i variant_effect_output.txt --filter "CAPICE_SCORE >= 0.02"
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that calculates the Combined Annotation scoRing toOL (CAROL)
score (1) for a missense mutation based on the pre-calculated SIFT (2) and
PolyPhen-2 (3) scores from the Ensembl API (4). more It adds one new entry class to the VEP's Extra column, CAROL which is
the calculated CAROL score. Note that this module is a perl reimplementation of
the original R script, available at: https://sanger.ac.uk/tool/carol/ I believe that both versions implement the same algorithm, but if there are any
discrepancies the R version should be treated as the reference implementation.
Bug reports are welcome. References: - Lopes MC, Joyce C, Ritchie GRS, John SL, Cunningham F, Asimit J, Zeggini E. A combined functional annotation score for non-synonymous variants
Human Heredity 73(1):47-51 (2012)
- Kumar P, Henikoff S, Ng PC. Predicting the effects of coding non-synonymous variants on protein function using the SIFT algorithm
Nature Protocols 4(8):1073-1081 (2009)
- Adzhubei IA, Schmidt S, Peshkin L, Ramensky VE, Gerasimova A, Bork P, Kondrashov AS, Sunyaev SR. A method and server for predicting damaging missense mutations
Nature Methods 7(4):248-249 (2010)
- Flicek P, et al. Ensembl 2012
Nucleic Acids Research 40(D1):D84-D90 (2011)
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr991
Usage examples:
mv Carol.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Carol
| Pathogenicity predictions | Math::CDF qw(pnorm qnorm) | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that adds pre-calculated scores from ClinPred.
ClinPred is a prediction tool to identify disease-relevant nonsynonymous variants. more Please cite the ClinPred publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929718302714 ClinPred scores can be downloaded from
https://sites.google.com/site/clinpred/download The following steps are neccessary to tabix the ClinPred.txt.gz file before running the plugin: For GRCh37:
gzip -d ClinPred.txt.gz # to unzip the text file
cat ClinPred.txt | tr " " "\t" > ClinPred_tabbed.tsv # change to tab-delimited file
sed -i '1s/.*/#&/' ClinPred_tabbed.tsv # comment the first line
sed -i 1s/Chr/chr/ ClinPred_tabbed.tsv # convert Chr to chr
bgzip ClinPred_tabbed.tsv
tabix -f -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 ClinPred_tabbed.tsv.gz
For GRCh38:
gzip -d ClinPred_hg38.txt.gz # unzip the text file
awk '($2 == "Start" || $2 ~ /^[0-9]+$/){print $0}' ClinPred_hg38.txt > "ClinPred_hg38_tabbed.tsv" # remove problematic lines
sed -i '1s/.*/#&/' ClinPred_hg38_tabbed.tsv # comment the first line
sed -i 1s/Chr/chr/ ClinPred_hg38_tabbed.tsv # convert Chr to chr
{ head -n 1 ClinPred_hg38_tabbed.tsv; tail -n +2 ClinPred_hg38_tabbed.tsv | sort -k1,1V -k2,2V; } > ClinPred_hg38_sorted_tabbed.tsv # sort file by chromosome and position
bgzip ClinPred_hg38_sorted_tabbed.tsv
tabix -f -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 ClinPred_hg38_sorted_tabbed.tsv.gz
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
Check https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git for instructions. Usage examples:
mv ClinPred.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin ClinPred,file=ClinPred_tabbed.tsv.gz | Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that calculates the Consensus Deleteriousness (Condel) score (1)
for a missense mutation based on the pre-calculated SIFT (2) and PolyPhen-2 (3)
scores from the Ensembl API (4). more It adds one new entry class to the VEP's Extra column, Condel which is the
calculated Condel score. This version of Condel was developed by the Biomedical
Genomics Group of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, at the Barcelona Biomedical
Research Park and available at https://bg.upf.edu/condel. The code in this
plugin is based on a script provided by this group and slightly reformatted to
fit into the Ensembl API. The plugin takes 3 command line arguments by this order:
- Path to a Condel configuration directory which contains cutoffs and the distribution files, etc.
- Output: output the Condel score (s), prediction (p) or both (b); both (b) is the default.
- Version of Condel to use: either 1 (original version) or 2 (newer version); 2 is the default and is recommended to avoid false positive predictions
from Condel in some circumstances.
An example Condel configuration file and a set of distribution files can be
found in the config/Condel directory in this repository. You should edit the
config/Condel/config/condel_SP.conf file and set the condel.dir parameter to
the full path to the location of the config/Condel directory on your system. References: - Gonzalez-Perez A, Lopez-Bigas N. Improving the assessment of the outcome of non-synonymous SNVs with a Consensus deleteriousness score (Condel)
Am J Hum Genet 88(4):440-449 (2011)
- Kumar P, Henikoff S, Ng PC. Predicting the effects of coding non-synonymous variants on protein function using the SIFT algorithm
Nature Protocols 4(8):1073-1081 (2009)
- Adzhubei IA, Schmidt S, Peshkin L, Ramensky VE, Gerasimova A, Bork P, Kondrashov AS, Sunyaev SR. A method and server for predicting damaging missense mutations
Nature Methods 7(4):248-249 (2010)
- Flicek P, et al. Ensembl 2012
Nucleic Acids Research (2011)
Usage examples:
mv Condel.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Condel,/path/to/config/Condel/config,b
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
retrieves a conservation score from the Ensembl Compara databases
for variant positions. You can specify the method link type and
species sets as command line options, the default is to fetch GERP
scores from the EPO 35 way mammalian alignment (please refer to the
Compara documentation for more details of available analyses). more If a variant affects multiple nucleotides the average score for the
position will be returned, and for insertions the average score of
the 2 flanking bases will be returned. If the MAX parameter is
used, the maximum score of any of the affected bases will be reported
instead. The plugin uses the ensembl-compara API module (optional, see
http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/api/index.html) or obtains data
directly from BigWig files (optional, see
https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_compara/conservation_scores/) Usage examples:
mv Conservation.pm ~/.vep/Plugins./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,mammals
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,/path/to/bigwigfile.bw
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,/path/to/bigwigfile.bw,MAX
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,database,GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE,mammals
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,database,GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE,mammals,MAX
| Conservation | Net::FTP | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data for missense variants from a tabix-indexed
dbNSFP file. more Please cite the dbNSFP publications alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
You must have the Bio::DB::HTS module or the tabix utility must be installed
in your path to use this plugin. About dbNSFP data files:
- Downoad dbNSFP files from https://sites.google.com/site/jpopgen/dbNSFP.
- There are two distinct branches of the files provided for academic and commercial usage. Please use the appropriate files for your use case.
- The file must be processed depending on dbNSFP release version and assembly (see commands below). We recommend using -T option with the sort command
to specify a temporary directory with sufficient space.
- The resulting file must be indexed with tabix before use by this plugin (see commands below).
For release 4.7c:
wget ftp://dbnsfp:dbnsfp@dbnsfp.softgenetics.com/dbNSFP${version}.zip
unzip dbNSFP${version}.zip
zcat dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr1.gz | head -n1 > h
# GRCh38/hg38 data
zgrep -h -v ^#chr dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr* | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbNSFP${version}_grch38.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 dbNSFP${version}_grch38.gz
# GRCh37/hg19 data
zgrep -h -v ^#chr dbNSFP${version}_variant.chr* | awk '$8 != "." ' | sort -k8,8 -k9,9n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbNSFP${version}_grch37.gz
tabix -s 8 -b 9 -e 9 dbNSFP${version}_grch37.gz
When running the plugin you must list at least one column to retrieve from the
dbNSFP file, specified as parameters to the plugin, such as: --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,LRT_score,GERP++_RS
You may include all columns with ALL; this fetches a large amount of data per
variant: --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,ALL
Tabix also allows the data file to be hosted on a remote server. This plugin is
fully compatible with such a setup - simply use the URL of the remote file: --plugin dbNSFP,http://my.files.com/dbNSFP.gz,col1,col2
The plugin replaces occurrences of ; with , and | with &. However, some
data field columns, e.g. Interpro_domain, use the replacement characters. We
added a file with replacement logic for customising the required replacement
of ; and | in dbNSFP data columns. In addition to the default replacements
(; to , and | to &) users can add customised replacements. Users can either modify
the file dbNSFP_replacement_logic in the VEP_plugins directory or provide their own
file as second argument when calling the plugin: --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,/path/to/dbNSFP_replacement_logic,LRT_score,GERP++_RS
Note that transcript sequences referred to in dbNSFP may be out of sync with
those in the latest release of Ensembl; this may lead to discrepancies with
scores retrieved from other sources. If the dbNSFP README file is found in the same directory as the data file,
column descriptions will be read from this and incorporated into the VEP output
file header. The plugin matches rows in the tabix-indexed dbNSFP file on:
- genomic position
- alt allele
- aaref - reference amino acid
- aaalt - alternative amino acid
To match only on the genomic position and the alt allele use pep_match=0: --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,pep_match=0,col1,col2
Some fields contain multiple values, one per Ensembl transcript ID.
By default all values are returned, separated by ; in the default VEP output format.
To return values only for the matched Ensembl transcript ID use transcript_match=1.
This behaviour only affects transcript-specific fields; non-transcript-specific fields
are unaffected. --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,transcript_match=1,col1,col2
NB 1: Using this flag may cause no value to return if the version of the Ensembl
transcript set differs between VEP and dbNSFP. NB 2: MutationTaster entries are keyed on a different set of transcript IDs. Using
the transcript_match flag with any MutationTaster field selected will have no effect
i.e. all entries are returned. Information on corresponding transcript(s) for
MutationTaster fields can be found using http://www.mutationtaster.org/ChrPos.html Usage examples:
mv dbNSFP.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin dbNSFP,/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,col1,col2
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin dbNSFP,'consequence=ALL',/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,col1,col2
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin dbNSFP,'consequence=3_prime_UTR_variant&intron_variant',/path/to/dbNSFP.gz,col1,col2
| Pathogenicity predictions | File::Basename qw(basename) | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data for splicing variants from a tabix-indexed
dbscSNV file. more Please cite the dbscSNV publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/42/22/13534 The Bio::DB::HTS perl library or tabix utility must be installed in your path
to use this plugin. The dbscSNV data file can be downloaded from
https://sites.google.com/site/jpopgen/dbNSFP. The file must be processed and indexed by tabix before use by this plugin.
dbscSNV1.1 has coordinates for both GRCh38 and GRCh37; the file must be
processed differently according to the assembly you use. wget ftp://dbnsfp:dbnsfp@dbnsfp.softgenetics.com/dbscSNV1.1.zip
unzip dbscSNV1.1.zip
head -n1 dbscSNV1.1.chr1 > h
# GRCh38
cat dbscSNV1.1.chr* | grep -v ^chr | sort -k5,5 -k6,6n | cat h - | awk '$5 != "."' | bgzip -c > dbscSNV1.1_GRCh38.txt.gz
tabix -s 5 -b 6 -e 6 -c c dbscSNV1.1_GRCh38.txt.gz
# GRCh37
cat dbscSNV1.1.chr* | grep -v ^chr | cat h - | bgzip -c > dbscSNV1.1_GRCh37.txt.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -c c dbscSNV1.1_GRCh37.txt.gz
Note that in the last command we tell tabix that the header line starts with "c";
this may change to the default of "#" in future versions of dbscSNV. Tabix also allows the data file to be hosted on a remote server. This plugin is
fully compatible with such a setup - simply use the URL of the remote file: --plugin dbscSNV,http://my.files.com/dbscSNV.txt.gz
Note that transcript sequences referred to in dbscSNV may be out of sync with
those in the latest release of Ensembl; this may lead to discrepancies with
scores retrieved from other sources. Usage examples:
mv dbscSNV.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin dbscSNV,/path/to/dbscSNV1.1_GRCh38.txt.gz
| Splicing predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that identifies de novo variants in a VCF file.
The plugin is not compatible with JSON output format. more Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
ped | Path to PED file (mandatory) The file is tab or white-space delimited with five mandatory columns:
- family ID
- individual ID
- paternal ID
- maternal ID
- sex
- phenotype (optional)
| Write files in report_dir (optional)
| full_report | Set to 1 to report all types of variants (optional) By default, the plugin only reports de novo variants. |
The plugin can then be run:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DeNovo,ped=samples.ped
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DeNovo,ped=samples.ped,report_dir=path/to/dir
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DeNovo,ped=samples.ped,report_dir=path/to/dir,full_report=1
Usage examples:
mv DeNovo.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DeNovo,ped=samples.ped
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DeNovo,ped=samples.ped,full_report=1
| Variant data | | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds Variant-Disease-PMID associations from the DisGeNET database.
It is available for GRCh38. more Please cite the DisGeNET publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/48/D1/D845/5611674 Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | Path to DisGeNET data file (mandatory).
| disease | Set value to 1 to include the diseases/phenotype names reporting the Variant-PMID association (optional). | rsid | Set value to 1 to include the dbSNP variant Identifier (optional).
| filter_score | Only reports citations with score greater or equal than input value (optional).
| filter_source | Only reports citations from input sources (optional). Accepted sources are: UNIPROT, CLINVAR, GWASDB, GWASCAT, BEFREE
Separate multiple values with &. |
Each element of the output includes:
- PMID of the publication reporting the Variant-Disease association (default)
- DisGeNET score for the Variant-Disease association (default)
- diseases/phenotype names (optional)
- dbSNP variant Identifier (optional)
This plugin uses file all_variant_disease_pmid_associations.tsv.gz.
File can be downloaded from: https://www.disgenet.org/downloads.
The following steps are necessary before running this plugin (tested with DisGeNET export date 2020-05-26): gunzip all_variant_disease_pmid_associations.tsv.gz
awk '($1 ~ /^snpId/ || $2 ~ /NA/) {next} {print $0}' all_variant_disease_pmid_associations.tsv > all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_clean.tsv
sort -t $'\t' -k2,2 -k3,3n all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_clean.tsv > all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_sorted.tsv
awk '{ gsub (/\t +/, "\t", $0); print}' all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_sorted.tsv > all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv
bgzip all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv
tabix -s 2 -b 3 -e 3 all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv.gz
The plugin can then be run as default:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DisGeNET,file=all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv.gz
or with an option to include optional data or/and filters:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DisGeNET,file=all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv.gz,disease=1
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DisGeNET,file=all_variant_disease_pmid_associations_final.tsv.gz,disease=1,filter_source=GWASDB&GWASCAT
Of notice: this plugin only matches the chromosome and the position in the
chromosome, the alleles are not taken into account to append the DisGeNET data.
The rsid is provided (optional) in the output in order to help to filter the relevant data. Usage examples:
mv DisGeNET.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DisGeNET,file=/path/to/disgenet/data.tsv.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DisGeNET,file=/path/to/disgenet/data.tsv.gz,disease=1
| Phenotype data and citations | List::MoreUtils qw(uniq) | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves haploinsufficiency and triplosensitivity probability scores
for affected genes from a dosage sensitivity catalogue published in paper -
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867422007887 more Please cite the above publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource. This plugin returns two scores:
- pHaplo score gives the probability of a gene being haploinsufficient (deletion intolerant)
- pTriplo score gives the probability of a gene being triploinsensitive (duplication intolerant)
You need the compressed tsv file containing the dosage sensitivity score. The file
Collins_rCNV_2022.dosage_sensitivity_scores.tsv.gz can be downloaded from here -
https://zenodo.org/record/6347673/files/Collins_rCNV_2022.dosage_sensitivity_scores.tsv.gz Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) compressed tsv file containing dosage sensitivity scores | cover | set value to 1 (0 by default) to report scores only if the variant covers the affected feature completely (e.g. - a CNV that duplicates the gene).
The feature is a gene if using --database otherwise it is a transcript. |
Usage examples:
mv DosageSensitivity.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DosageSensitivity,file=/FULL_PATH_TO/Collins_rCNV_2022.dosage_sensitivity_scores.tsv.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin DosageSensitivity,file=/FULL_PATH_TO/Collins_rCNV_2022.dosage_sensitivity_scores.tsv.gz,cover=1
| Gene tolerance to change | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
predicts the downstream effects of a frameshift variant on the protein
sequence of a transcript. It provides the predicted downstream protein
sequence (including any amino acids overlapped by the variant itself),
and the change in length relative to the reference protein. more Note that changes in splicing are not predicted - only the existing
translateable (i.e. spliced) sequence is used as a source of
translation. Any variants with a splice site consequence type are
ignored. If VEP is run in offline mode using the flag --offline, a FASTA file is required.
See: https://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_cache.html#fasta
Sequence may be incomplete without a FASTA file or database connection. Usage examples:
mv Downstream.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Downstream
| Nearby features | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that draws pictures of the transcript model showing the
variant location. more Takes five optional paramters: - File name stem for images
- Image width in pixels (default: 1000px)
- Image height in pixels (default: 100px)
- Transcript ID - only draw images for this transcript
- Variant ID - only draw images for this variant
e.g. ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Draw,myimg,2000,100
Images are written to [file_stem]_[transcript_id]_[variant_id].png Requires GD library installed to run. Usage examples:
mv Draw.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Draw
| Visualisation | | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that adds pre-calculated Enformer predictions of variant impact on chromatin and gene expression. more The predictions have been aggregated across all 896 spatial bins to generate 5313 features corresponding to track prediction changes in differnet assays and cell types. This plugin is available for GRCh37 and GRCh38 Please cite the Enformer publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-021-01252-x GRCh38 scores were lifted over using CrossMap from the Enformer scores available here - https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/dm-enformer/variant-scores/1000-genomes/enformer Enformer scores can be downloaded from https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_variation/Enformer for GRCh37 and GRCh38. The plugin can then be run as default to retrieve SAD (SNP Activity Difference (SAD) and SAR (Same as SAD, by computing np.log2(1 + model(alternate_sequence)) - np.log2(1 + model(reference_sequence)) scores from Enforme :
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin Enformer,file=/path/to/Enformer/data.vcf.gz
or run with option to only retrieve the SAD (SNP Activity Difference (SAD) scores - main variant effect score computed as model(alternate_sequence) - model(reference_sequence) score
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin Enformer,file=/path/to/Enformer/data.vcf.gz,SAD=1
or run with option to only retrieve the SAR (Same as SAD, by computing np.log2(1 + model(alternate_sequence)) - np.log2(1 + model(reference_sequence)) score
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin Enformer,file=/path/to/Enformer/data.vcf.gz,SAR=1
or run with option to also retrieve the principal component scores which are a reduced representation of a much bigger vector of the SAD and SAR after using principal component analysis (PCA)
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin Enformer,file=/path/to/Enformer/data.vcf.gz,PC=1
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
Check https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git for instructions. Usage examples:
mv Enformer.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Enformer,file=Enformer_grch38.vcf.gz | Regulatory impact | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds information from EVE (evolutionary model of variant effect). more This plugin only report EVE scores for input variants
and does not merge input lines to report on adjacent variants.
It is only available for GRCh38. Please cite EVE publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04043-8 ###################################################
# Bash script to merge all VCFs from EVE dataset. #
# EVE input file can be downloaded from https://evemodel.org/api/proteins/bulk/download/
# Input: VCF files by protein (vcf_files_missense_mutations inside zip folder)
# Output: Compressed Merged VCF file (vcf.gz) + index file (.tbi)
DATA_FOLDER=/<PATH-TO>/vcf_files_missense_mutations # Fill this line
OUTPUT_FOLDER=/<PATH-TO>/eve_plugin # Fill this line
OUTPUT_NAME=eve_merged.vcf # Default output name
# Get header from first VCF
cat `ls ${DATA_FOLDER}/*vcf | head -n1` > header
# Get variants from all VCFs and add to a single-file
ls ${DATA_FOLDER}/*vcf | while read VCF; do grep -v '^#' ${VCF} >> variants; done
# Merge Header + Variants in a single file
cat header variants | \
awk '$1 ~ /^#/ {print $0;next} {print $0 | "sort -k1,1V -k2,2n"}' > ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/${OUTPUT_NAME};
# Remove temporary files
rm header variants
# Compress and index
# If not installed, use: sudo apt install tabix
### END
Usage examples:
cp EVE.pm ${HOME}/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin EVE,file=/path/to/eve/data.vcf.gz # By default, Class75 is used.
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin EVE,file=/path/to/eve/data.vcf.gz,class_number=60
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that gets FATHMM scores and predictions for missense variants. more You will need the fathmm.py script and its dependencies (Python, Python
MySQLdb). You should create a "config.ini" file in the same directory as the
fathmm.py script with the database connection options. More information about
how to set up FATHMM can be found on the FATHMM website at
https://github.com/HAShihab/fathmm A typical installation could consist of: wget https://raw.github.com/HAShihab/fathmm/master/cgi-bin/fathmm.py
wget http://fathmm.biocompute.org.uk/database/fathmm.v2.3.SQL.gz
gunzip fathmm.v2.3.SQL.gz
mysql -h[host] -P[port] -u[user] -p[pass] -e"CREATE DATABASE fathmm"
mysql -h[host] -P[port] -u[user] -p[pass] -Dfathmm < fathmm.v2.3.SQL
echo -e "[DATABASE]\nHOST = [host]\nPORT = [port]\nUSER = [user]\nPASSWD = [pass]\nDB = fathmm\n" > config.ini
Usage examples:
mv FATHMM.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin FATHMM,"python2 /path/to/fathmm/fathmm.py"
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves FATHMM-MKL scores for variants from a tabix-indexed
FATHMM-MKL data file. more See https://github.com/HAShihab/fathmm-MKL for details. NB: The currently available data file is for GRCh37 only. Usage examples:
mv FATHMM_MKL.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i input.vcf --plugin FATHMM_MKL,fathmm-MKL_Current.tab.gz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves the LRG ID matching either the RefSeq or Ensembl
transcript IDs. more | External ID | Text::CSV | Stephen Kazakoff |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds tissue-specific transcription factor motifs from FunMotifs to VEP output. more Please cite the FunMotifs publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource.
The preprint can be found at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/683722v1 FunMotifs files can be downloaded from: http://bioinf.icm.uu.se:3838/funmotifs/
At the time of writing, all BED files found through this link support GRCh37,
however other assemblies are supported by the plugin if an appropriate BED file
is supplied. The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv FunMotifs.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin FunMotifs,/path/to/funmotifs/all_tissues.bed.gz,uterus
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin FunMotifs,/path/to/funmotifs/blood.funmotifs_sorted.bed.gz,fscore,dnase_seqParameters Required: [0] : FunMotifs BED file
[1]+ : List of columns to include within VEP output (e.g. fscore, skin, contactingdomain) | Motif | - | Ensembl |
gene2phenotype | A VEP plugin that uses G2P allelic requirements to assess variants in genes
for potential phenotype involvement. more The plugin has multiple configuration options, though minimally requires only
the CSV file of G2P data.
This Plugin is available for GRCh38 and GRCh37. For further information see:
Thormann A, Halachev M, McLaren W, et al. Flexible and scalable diagnostic filtering of genomic variants using G2P with Ensembl VEP.
Nature Communications. 2019 May;10(1):2373. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10016-3. PMID: 31147538; PMCID: PMC6542828. Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs, (defaults in parentheses): Argument | Description |
file | Path to G2P data file. The file needs to be uncompressed. - Download from https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/downloads
- Download from PanelApp
| A list of variants to include even if variants do not pass allele frequency filtering. The include list needs to be a sorted, bgzipped and
tabixed VCF file. | af_monoallelic | maximum allele frequency for inclusion for monoallelic genes (0.0001)
| af_biallelic | maximum allele frequency for inclusion for biallelic genes (0.005) | confidence_levels | Confidence levels include: definitive, strong, moderate, limited Former confidence terms are still supported: confirmed, probable, possible, both RD and IF.
Separate multiple values with &.
Default levels are confirmed and probable.
| all_confidence_levels | Set to 1 to include all confidence levels Setting the value to 1 will overwrite any confidence levels provided with the
confidence_levels option.
| af_from_vcf | set value to 1 to include allele frequencies from VCF file. Specifiy the list of reference populations to include with --af_from_vcf_keys
| af_from_vcf_keys | VCF collections used for annotating variant alleles with observed allele frequencies. Allele frequencies are retrieved from VCF files. If
af_from_vcf is set to 1 but no VCF collections are specified with --af_from_vcf_keys
all available VCF collections are included.
Available VCF collections: topmed, uk10k, gnomADe, gnomADe_r2.1.1, gnomADg, gnomADg_v3.1.2.
Separate multiple values with &.
VCF collections contain the following populations:
- topmed - TOPMed (available for GRCh37 and GRCh38).
- uk10k - ALSPAC, TWINSUK (available for GRCh37 and GRCh38).
- gnomADe & gnomADe_r2.1.1 - gnomADe:AFR, gnomADe:ALL, gnomADe:AMR, gnomADe:ASJ, gnomADe:EAS, gnomADe:FIN, gnomADe:NFE, gnomADe:OTH, gnomADe:SAS (for GRCh37 and GRCh38 respectively).
- gnomADg & gnomADg_v3.1.2 - gnomADg:AFR, gnomADg:ALL, gnomADg:AMR, gnomADg:ASJ, gnomADg:EAS, gnomADg:FIN, gnomADg:NFE, gnomADg:OTH (for GRCh37 and GRCh38 respectively). Need to use af_from_vcf parameter to use this option.
default_af | default frequency of the input variant if no frequency data is found (0). This determines whether such variants are included;
the value of 0 forces variants with no frequency data to be
included as this is considered equivalent to having a frequency
of 0. Set to 1 (or any value higher than af) to exclude them.
| types | SO consequence types to include. Separate multiple values with & (splice_donor_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, stop_gained,
frameshift_variant, stop_lost, initiator_codon_variant,
inframe_insertion, inframe_deletion,missense_variant,
coding_sequence_variant, start_lost,transcript_ablation,
transcript_amplification, protein_altering_variant) | log_dir
| write stats to log files in log_dir
| txt_report | write all G2P complete genes and attributes to txt file
| html_report | write all G2P complete genes and attributes to html file
| filter_by_gene_symbol | set to 1 if filter by gene symbol. Do not set if filtering by HGNC_id.
This option is set to 1 when using PanelApp files. | only_mane | set to 1 to ignore transcripts that are not MANE N/B - Information may be lost if this option is used. |
For more information - https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gene2phenotype/g2p_vep_plugin Example:
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_monoallelic=0.05,types=stop_gained&frameshift_variant
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_monoallelic=0.05,af_from_vcf=1
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_from_vcf=1,af_from_vcf_keys=topmed&gnomADe_r2.1.1
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv,af_from_vcf=1,af_from_vcf_keys=topmed&gnomADe_r2.1.1,confidence_levels='confirmed&probable&both RD and IF'
--plugin G2P,file=G2P.csv
Usage examples:
mv G2P.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin G2P,file=/path/to/G2P.csv
| Phenotype data and citations | | Ensembl |
| A user-contributed VEP plugin that retrieves automatic ACMG variant classification data from
https://genebe.net/ more Please cite the GeneBe publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cge.14516 . Please be advised that the GeneBe API is freely accessible for academic purposes only, with a limited
number of queries per day, albeit at a high threshold. Kindly utilize this resource judiciously
to ensure its availability for others. For further information, please visit https://genebe.net/about/api. Usage examples:
mv GeneBe.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GeneBe
| Variant data | JSON | |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
runs GeneSplicer (https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/genesplicer/) to get
splice site predictions. more It evaluates a tract of sequence either side of and including the
variant, both in reference and alternate states. The amount of
sequence included either side defaults to 100bp, but can be modified
by passing e.g. "context=50" as a parameter to the plugin. You will need to download the GeneSplicer binary and data from
ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/software/genesplicer/GeneSplicer.tar.gz. Extract the
folder using: tar -xzf GeneSplicer.tar.gz
GeneSplicer comes with precompiled binaries for multiple systems. If the
provided binaries do not run, compile genesplicer from source: cd $GS/sources
# if macOS, run this step
[[ $(uname -s) == "Darwin" ]] && perl -pi -e "s/^main /int main /" genesplicer.cpp
cd -
./vep [options] --plugin GeneSplicer,$GS/sources/genesplicer,$GS/human
Predicted splicing regions that overlap the variant are reported in the output
with a /-separated string (e.g., loss/acceptor/727006-727007/High/16.231924)
consisting of the following data by this order: - state (no_change, diff, gain, loss)
- type (donor, acceptor)
- coordinates (start-end)
- confidence (Low, Medium, High)
- score
If multiple sites are predicted, their reports are separated by ",". For diff, the confidence and score for both the reference and alternate
sequences is reported as REF-ALT, such as
diff/donor/621915-621914/Medium-Medium/7.020731-6.988368. Several key=value parameters can be modified in the the plugin string: Argument | Description |
training | (mandatory) directory to species-specific training data, such as GeneSplicer/human
| binary | path to genesplicer binary (default: genesplicer) | context | change the amount of sequence added either side of the variant (default: 100bp)
| tmpdir | change the temporary directory used (default: /tmp) | cache_size | change how many sequences' scores are cached in memory (default: 50) |
--plugin GeneSplicer,binary=$GS/bin/linux/genesplicer,training=$GS/human,context=200,tmpdir=/mytmp
When using VEP Docker/Singularity, the binary argument can be ommitted, as
the genesplicer command is exported in the $PATH variable and is thus
automatically detected by the plugin:
--plugin GeneSplicer,training=$GS/human,context=200,tmpdir=/mytmp
Usage examples:
mv GeneSplicer.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin GeneSplicer,binary=$GS/bin/linux/genesplicer,training=$GS/human
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin GeneSplicer,binary=$GS/bin/linux/genesplicer,training=$GS/human,context=200,tmpdir=/mytmp# VEP Docker/Singularity: if 'genesplicer' is a command available in $PATH,
# there is no need to specify the location of the binary
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin GeneSplicer,training=$GS/human
| Splicing predictions | Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that adds information from Geno2MP, a web-accessible database of
rare variant genotypes linked to phenotypic information. more Parameters can be set using a key=value system: Argument | Description |
file | VCF file containing Geno2MP data | cols | colon-delimited list of Geno2MP columns to return from INFO fields (by default it only returns the column HPO_CT)
| url | build and return URL to Geno2MP variant page (boolean; 0 by default); the variant location in Geno2MP website is based on GRCh37 coordinates |
Please cite Geno2MP alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
Geno2MP, NHGRI/NHLBI University of Washington-Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG), Seattle, WA
(URL: http://geno2mp.gs.washington.edu [date (month, yr) accessed]). Usage examples:
cp Geno2MP.pm ${HOME}/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Geno2MP,file=/path/to/Geno2MP/data.vcf.gz# Return more columns from Geno2MP VCF file
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Geno2MP,file=/path/to/Geno2MP/data.vcf.gz,cols=HPO_CT:FXN:nhomalt_male_aff:nhomalt_male_unaff # Build and return Geno2MP URL based on GRCh37 variant location
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Geno2MP,file=/path/to/Geno2MP/data.vcf.gz,url=1
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves gnomAD annotation from either the genome
or exome coverage files, available here:
https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/downloads more To download the gnomad coverage file in TSV format:
for Assembly GRCh37:
gnomad genomes:
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data--gnomad/release/2.1/coverage/genomes/gnomad.genomes.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz --no-check-certificate
gnomad exomes:
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data--gnomad/release/2.1/coverage/exomes/gnomad.exomes.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz --no-check-certificate
for Assembly GRCh38:
gnomad genomes:
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data--gnomad/release/3.0.1/coverage/genomes/gnomad.genomes.r3.0.1.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz --no-check-certificate
Necessary before using the plugin
for Assembly GRCh37:
The following steps are necessary to tabix the gnomad genomes coverage file :
gunzip -c gnomad.genomes.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz | sed '1s/.*/#&/' > gnomad.genomes.tabbed.tsv
bgzip gnomad.genomes.tabbed.tsv
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 gnomad.genomes.tabbed.tsv.gz
The following steps are neccessary to tabix the gnomad exomes coverage file :
gunzip -c gnomad.exomes.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz | sed '1s/.*/#&/' > gnomad.exomes.tabbed.tsv
bgzip gnomad.exomes.tabbed.tsv
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 gnomad.exomes.tabbed.tsv.gz
for Assembly GRCh38:
The following steps are necessary to tabix the gnomad genomes coverage file :
gunzip -c gnomad.genomes.r3.0.1.coverage.summary.tsv.bgz | sed '1s/.*/#&/' > gnomad.genomesv3.tabbed.tsv
sed "1s/locus/chr\tpos/; s/:/\t/g" gnomad.genomesv3.tabbed.tsv > gnomad.ch.genomesv3.tabbed.tsv
bgzip gnomad.ch.genomesv3.tabbed.tsv
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 gnomad.ch.genomesv3.tabbed.tsv
This plugin also tries to be backwards compatible with older versions of the
coverage summary files, including releases 2.0.1 and 2.0.2. These releases
provide one coverage file per chromosome and these can be used "as-is"
without requiring any preprocessing. If you use this plugin, please see the terms and data information:
https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/terms You must have the Bio::DB::HTS module or the tabix utility must be installed
in your path to use this plugin.
Usage examples: mv gnomADc.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin gnomADc,/path/to/gnomad.tsv.gz
| Frequency data | | Stephen Kazakoff |
Gene Ontology | A VEP plugin that retrieves Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with
transcripts (e.g. GRCh38) or their translations (e.g. GRCh37) using custom
GFF annotation containing GO terms. more The custom GFF files are automatically created if the input file do not exist
by querying the Ensembl core database, according to database version, species
and assembly used in VEP. Note that automatic retrieval fails if using the
--offline option. The GFF files containing the GO terms are saved to and loaded from the working
directory by default. To change this, provide a directory path as an argument: --plugin GO,dir=${HOME}/go_terms
If your GFF file has a custom name, please provide the filename directly: --plugin GO,file=${HOME}/custom_go_terms.gff.gz
The GO terms can also be fetched by gene match (either gene Ensembl ID or
gene symbol) instead: --plugin GO,match=gene
--plugin GO,match=gene_symbol
To create/use a custom GFF file, these programs must be installed in your path:
- The GNU zgrep and GNU sort commands to create the GFF file.
- The tabix and bgzip utilities to create and read the GFF file: check https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git for installation instructions.
Alternatively, for compatibility purposes, the plugin allows to use a remote
connection to the Ensembl API by using "remote" as a parameter. This method
retrieves GO terms one by one at both the transcript and translation level.
This is not compatible with any other parameters: --plugin GO,remote
Usage examples:
mv GO.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# automatically fetch GFF files with GO terms and annotate input with GO terms
# not compatible with --offline option
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GO # set directory used to write and read GFF files with GO terms
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GO,dir=${HOME}/go_terms # annotate input with GO terms from custom GFF file
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GO,file=${HOME}/custom_go_terms.gff.gz # annotate input based on gene identifiers instead of transcripts/translations
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GO,match=gene # use remote connection (available for compatibility purposes)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GO,remote
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves relevant NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog data given the file. more This plugin supports both the curated data that is found in the download section of the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog website and the
summary statistics file. By default the plugin assumes the file provided is the curated file but you can pass "type=sstate"
to say you want to annotate with a summary statistics file. Please cite the following publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30445434/ Pre-requisites: For curated NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog file -
GWAS files can be downloaded from - https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads/alternative For summary statistics file -
The plugin can process the harmonised version of the summary statistics file. Which can be downloaded from the FTP site -
http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics They are under directory with related to their specific GCST id. For example -
http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST000001-GCST001000/GCST000028/harmonised/17463246-GCST000028-EFO_0001360.h.tsv.gz Please keep the filename format as it is because filename is parsed to get information. When run for the first time for either type of file, the plugin will create a processed file that have genomic locations and indexed and
put it under the --dir location determined by Ensembl VEP. If db=1 option is used, depending on the file size it might take hour(s) to create
the processed file. Subsequent runs will be faster as the plugin will be using the already generated processed file. This option is not used by
default and the variant information is generally taken directly from the file provided. Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) Path to GWAS curated or summary statistics file | type | type of the file. Valid values are "curated" and "sstate" (summary statistics). Default is "curated". | verbose | display info level messages. Valid values are 0 or 1. Default is 0. | db | get variant information from Ensembl database during creation of processed file. Valid values are 0 or 1. Default is 0 (variant information is retrieved from curated file) |
Usage examples:
mv GWAS.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GWAS,file=/FULL_PATH_TO/gwas_catalog_v1.0.2-associations_e107_r2022-09-14.tsv
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin GWAS,type=sstate,file=/FULL_PATH_TO/17463246-GCST000028-EFO_0001360.h.tsv.gz
| Phenotype data and citations | | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that returns
HGVS intron start and end offsets. To be used with --hgvs option. more Usage examples:
mv HGVSIntronOffset.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variants.vcf --hgvs --plugin HGVSIntronOffset
| HGVS | - | Stephen Kazakoff |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves molecular interaction data for variants as reprted by IntAct database. more Please cite the IntAct publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24234451/ Pre-requisites: - IntAct files can be downloaded from - https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/intact/current/various
- The genomic location mapped file needs to be tabix indexed. You can do this by following commands -
a) filter, sort and then zip
grep -v -e '^$' -e '^[#\-]' mutation_gc_map.txt | sed '1s/.*/#&/' | awk -F "\t" 'BEGIN { OFS="\t"} {if ($2 > $3) {a=$2; $2=$3; $3=a}; print $0 }' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | bgzip > mutation_gc_map.txt.gz
b) create tabix indexed file -
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 3 -f mutation_gc_map.txt.gz
- As you have already noticed, tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
mapping_file | (mandatory) Path to tabix-indexed genomic location mapped file | mutation_file | (mandatory) Path to IntAct data file
By default the output will always contain feature_type and interaction_ac from the IntAct data file. You can also add more fields using the following key=value options - Argument | Description |
feature_ac | Set value to 1 to include Feature AC in the output | feature_short_label | Set value to 1 to include Feature short label in the output | feature_annotation | Set value to 1 to include Feature annotation in the output | ap_ac | Set value to 1 to include Affected protein AC in the output | interaction_participants | Set value to 1 to include Interaction participants in the output | pmid | Set value to 1 to include PubMedID in the output
There are also two other key=value options for customizing the output - Argument | Description |
all | Set value to 1 to include all the fields | minimal | Set value to 1 to overwrite default behavior and include only interaction_ac in the output by default |
See what these options mean - https://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/download/datasets#mutations Note that, interaction accession can be used to link to full details on the interaction website. For example,
where the VEP output reports an interaction_ac of EBI-12501485, the URL would be : https://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/details/interaction/EBI-12501485 Usage examples:
mv IntAct.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin IntAct,mutation_file=/FULL_PATH_TO_IntAct_FILE/mutations.tsv,mapping_file=/FULL_PATH_TO_IntAct_FILE/mutation_gc_map.txt.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin IntAct,mutation_file=/FULL_PATH_TO_IntAct_FILE/mutations.tsv,mapping_file=/FULL_PATH_TO_IntAct_FILE/mutation_gc_map.txt.gz,minimal=1
| Functional effect | - | Ensembl |
Linkage Disequilibrium | A VEP plugin that finds variants in linkage disequilibrium with any overlapping
existing variants from the Ensembl variation databases. more You can configure the population used to calculate the r2 value, and the
r2 cutoff used by passing arguments to the plugin via the VEP command line
(separated by commas). This plugin adds a single new entry to the Extra column
with a comma-separated list of linked variant IDs and the associated r2 values:
LinkedVariants=rs123:0.879,rs234:0.943 If no arguments are supplied, the default population used is the CEU
sample from the 1000 Genomes Project phase 3, and the default r2
cutoff used is 0.8. WARNING: Calculating LD is a relatively slow procedure, so this will
slow VEP down considerably when running on large numbers of
variants. Consider running vep followed by filter_vep to get a smaller
input set: ./vep -i input.vcf -cache -vcf -o input_vep.vcf
./filter_vep -i input_vep.vcf -filter "Consequence is missense_variant" > input_vep_filtered.vcf
./vep -i input_vep_filtered.vcf -cache -plugin LD
Usage examples:
mv LD.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin LD,1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU,0.8
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin LD,'populations=1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU&1000GENOMES:phase_3:PUR&1000GENOMES:phase_3:STU',0.8 | Variant data | - | Ensembl |
| The LocalID plugin allows you to use variant IDs as input without making a database connection. more Requires sqlite3. A local sqlite3 database is used to look up variant IDs; this is generated either from Ensembl's
public database (very slow, but includes synonyms), or from a VEP cache file (faster, excludes
synonyms). NB this plugin is NOT compatible with the ensembl-tools variant_effect_predictor.pl version of VEP. Usage examples:
mv LocalID.pm ~/.vep/Plugins## first run create database # EITHER create from Ensembl variation database
# VERY slow but includes variant synonyms, if not required see next command
./vep -i variant_ids.txt --plugin LocalID,create_db=1 -safe # OR create from cache directory
# faster but does not include synonyms
# parameter passed to from_cache may be full path to cache e.g. $HOME/.vep/homo_sapiens/88_GRCh38
# cache may be tabix converted or in default state (http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_cache.html#convert)
./vep -i variant_ids.txt --plugin LocalID,create_db=1,from_cache=1 -safe # subsequent runs
./vep -i variant_ids.txt --plugin LocalID # db file can be specified with db=[file]
# default file name is $HOME/.vep/[species]_[version]_[assembly].variant_ids.sqlite3
./vep -i variant_ids.txt --plugin LocalID,db=my_db_file.txt
| Look up | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds the LOEUF scores to VEP output. LOEUF stands for the "loss-of-function
observed/expected upper bound fraction." more The score can be added matching by either transcript or gene.
When matched by gene:
If multiple transcripts are available for a gene, the most severe score is reported. NB: The plugin currently does not add the score for downstream_gene_variant and upstream_gene_variant Please cite the LOEUF publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7334197/ LOEUF scores can be downloaded from
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7334197/bin/41586_2020_2308_MOESM4_ESM.zip For GRCh37:
These files can be tabix-processed by:
Unzip 41586_2020_2308_MOESM4_ESM.zip
cd supplement
zcat supplementary_dataset_11_full_constraint_metrics.tsv.gz | (head -n 1 && tail -n +2 | sort -t$'\t' -k 76,76 -k 77,77n ) > loeuf_temp.tsv
sed '1s/.*/#&/' loeuf_temp.tsv > loeuf_dataset.tsv
bgzip loeuf_dataset.tsv
tabix -f -s 76 -b 77 -e 78 loeuf_dataset.tsv.gz
For GRCh38:
The LOEUF scores are available for assembly GRCh37, to be able to run the plugin for GRCh38
please remap the regions from file supplementary_dataset_11_full_constraint_metrics.tsv
After the remapping the file can be tabix-processed by:
cat supplementary_dataset_11_full_constraint_metrics_grch38.tsv | (head -n 1 && tail -n +2 | sort -t$'\t' -k 76,76 -k 77,77n ) > loeuf_grch38_temp.tsv
sed '1s/.*/#&/' loeuf_grch38_temp.tsv > loeuf_dataset_grch38.tsv
bgzip loeuf_dataset_grch38.tsv
tabix -f -s 76 -b 77 -e 78 loeuf_dataset_grch38.tsv.gz
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv LOEUF.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin LOEUF,file=/path/to/loeuf/data.tsv.gz,match_by=gene
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin LOEUF,file=/path/to/loeuf/data.tsv.gz,match_by=transcript
| Gene tolerance to change | Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number) | Ensembl |
Loss-of-function | Add LoFtool scores to the VEP output. more | Pathogenicity predictions | DBI | Ensembl |
Leiden Open Variation Database | A VEP plugin that retrieves LOVD variation data from http://www.lovd.nl/. more Please be aware that LOVD is a public resource of curated variants, therefore
please respect this resource and avoid intensive querying of their databases
using this plugin, as it will impact the availability of this resource for
others. Usage examples:
mv LOVD.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin LOVD
| Variant data | LWP::UserAgent | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
uses the Mastermind Genomic Search Engine (https://www.genomenon.com/mastermind)
to report variants that have clinical evidence cited in the medical literature.
It is available for both GRCh37 and GRCh38. more Please cite the Mastermind publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fgene.2020.577152 Running options:
The plugin has multiple parameters, the first one is expected to be the file name path
which can be followed by 3 optional flags.
Default: the plugin matches the citation data with the specific mutation.
Using first flag 1: returns the citations for all mutations/transcripts.
Using the second flag 1: only returns the Mastermind variant identifier(s).
Using the third flag 1: also returns the Mastermind URL. Output:
The output includes three unique counts 'MMCNT1, MMCNT2, MMCNT3' and one identifier MMID3
to be used to build an URL which shows all articles from MMCNT3. - MMCNT1 is the count of Mastermind articles with cDNA matches for a specific variant;
- MMCNT2 is the count of Mastermind articles with variants either explicitly matching at the cDNA level or given only at protein level;
- MMCNT3 is the count of Mastermind articles including other DNA-level variants resulting in the same amino acid change;
- MMID3 is the Mastermind variant identifier(s), as gene:key. Link to the Genomenon Mastermind Genomic Search Engine;
To build the URL, substitute the gene:key in the following link with the value from MMID3:
https://mastermind.genomenon.com/detail?mutation=gene:key If the third flag is used then the built URL is returned and it's identified by URL. More information can be found at: https://www.genomenon.com/cvr/ The following steps are necessary before running this plugin: Download and Registry (free):
https://www.genomenon.com/cvr/ GRCh37 VCF:
unzip mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX-grch37-vcf.zip
bgzip mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX-GRCh37-vcf
tabix -p vcf mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRCh37-vcf.gz
unzip mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX-grch38-vcf.zip
bgzip mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX-GRCh38-vcf
tabix -p vcf mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRCh38-vcf.gz
The plugin can then be run as default:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRChXX-vcf.gz
or with an option to not filter by mutations (first flag):
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRChXX-vcf.gz,mutations=1
or with an option to only return MMID3 e.g. the Mastermind variant identifier as gene:key (second flag):
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRChXX-vcf.gz,mutations=0,var_iden=1
or with an option to also return the Mastermind URL (third flag):
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/mastermind_cited_variants_reference-XXXX.XX.XX.GRChXX-vcf.gz,mutations=0,var_iden=0,url=1
Note: when running VEP in offline mode Mastermind requires a fasta file (--fasta) Usage examples:
mv Mastermind.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/data.vcf.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/data.vcf.gz,mutations=1
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/data.vcf.gz,mutations=0,var_iden=1
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Mastermind,file=/path/to/data.vcf.gz,mutations=0,var_iden=0,url=1
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data from MaveDB (https://www.mavedb.org), a
database that contains multiplex assays of variant effect, including deep
mutational scans and massively parallel report assays. more To run the MaveDB plugin, please download the following files containing
MaveDB data for GRCh38 (we do not currently host data for other assemblies):
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) Tabix-indexed MaveDB file | cols | Colon-separated columns to print from MaveDB files; if set to all, all columns are
printed (default: urn:score:nt:pro)
| single_aminoacid_changes | Return matches for single aminoacid changes only; if disabled, return all matches associated with a
genetic variant (default: 1)
| transcript_match | Return results only if (Ensembl or RefSeq) transcript identifiers match (default: 1) |
Please cite the MaveDB publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-019-1845-6 The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv MaveDB.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# print only scores for single aminoacid changes from MaveDB data (default)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin MaveDB,file=/full/path/to/data.csv.gz # print all scores associated with the genetic variant
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin MaveDB,file=/full/path/to/data.csv.gz,single_aminoacid_changes=0 # print all columns from MaveDB data
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin MaveDB,file=/full/path/to/data.csv.gz,cols=all
| Functional effect | | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
runs MaxEntScan (http://hollywood.mit.edu/burgelab/maxent/Xmaxentscan_scoreseq.html)
to get splice site predictions. more The plugin copies most of the code verbatim from the score5.pl and score3.pl
scripts provided in the MaxEntScan download. To run the plugin you must get and
unpack the archive from http://hollywood.mit.edu/burgelab/maxent/download/; the path
to this unpacked directory is then the param you pass to the --plugin flag. The plugin executes the logic from one of the scripts depending on which
splice region the variant overlaps: - score5.pl : last 3 bases of exon --> first 6 bases of intron
- score3.pl : last 20 bases of intron --> first 3 bases of exon
The plugin reports the reference, alternate and difference (REF - ALT) maximum
entropy scores. If SWA is specified as a command-line argument, a sliding window algorithm
is applied to subsequences containing the reference and alternate alleles to
identify k-mers with the highest donor and acceptor splice site scores. To assess
the impact of variants, reference comparison scores are also provided. For SNVs,
the comparison scores are derived from sequence in the same frame as the highest
scoring k-mers containing the alternate allele. For all other variants, the
comparison scores are derived from the highest scoring k-mers containing the
reference allele. The difference between the reference comparison and alternate
scores (SWA_REF_COMP - SWA_ALT) are also provided. If NCSS is specified as a command-line argument, scores for the nearest
upstream and downstream canonical splice sites are also included. By default, only scores are reported. Add verbose to the list of command-
line arguments to include the sequence output associated with those scores. Usage examples:
mv MaxEntScan.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin MaxEntScan,/path/to/maxentscan/fordownload
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin MaxEntScan,/path/to/maxentscan/fordownload,SWA,NCSS
| Splicing predictions | Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) | Ensembl |
missense deleteriousness metric | A VEP plugin that retrieves MPC scores for variants from a tabix-indexed MPC data file. more MPC is a missense deleteriousness metric based on the analysis of genic regions
depleted of missense mutations in the Exome Agggregation Consortium (ExAC) data. The MPC score is the product of work by Kaitlin Samocha (ks20@sanger.ac.uk).
Publication currently in pre-print: Samocha et al bioRxiv 2017 (TBD) The MPC score file is available to download from: https://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/ExAC_release/release1/regional_missense_constraint/ The data are currently mapped to GRCh37 only. Not all transcripts are included; see
README in the above directory for exclusion criteria. Usage examples:
mv MPC.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin MPC,fordist_constraint_official_mpc_values.txt.gz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
Missense Tolerance Ratio | A VEP plugin that retrieves Missense Tolerance Ratio (MTR) scores for
variants from a tabix-indexed flat file. more MTR scores quantify the amount of purifying selection acting
specifically on missense variants in a given window of protein-coding
sequence. It is estimated across a sliding window of 31 codons and uses
observed standing variation data from the WES component of the Exome
Aggregation Consortium Database (ExAC), version 2.0
(http://gnomad.broadinstitute.org). Please cite the MTR publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
http://genome.cshlp.org/content/27/10/1715 The Bio::DB::HTS perl library or tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
MTR flat files can be downloaded from http://biosig.unimelb.edu.au/mtr-viewer/downloads
The following steps are necessary before running the plugin
gzip -d mtrflatfile_2.0.txt.gz # to unzip the text file
cat mtrflatfile_2.0.txt | tr " " "\t" > mtrflatfile_2.00.tsv # to change the file to a tabbed delimited file
sed '1s/.*/#&/' mtrflatfile_2.00.tsv > mtrflatfile_2.0.tsv # to add # to the first line of the file
bgzip mtrflatfile_2.0.tsv
tabix -f -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 mtrflatfile_2.0.tsv.gz
NB: Data are available for GRCh37 only Usage examples:
mv MTR.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin MTR,mtrflatfile_2.0.tsv.gz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | - Slave Petrovski
- Michael Silk
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data from mutfunc db predicting destabilization of protein structure, interaction interface, and motif. more Please cite the mutfunc publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
http://msb.embopress.org/content/14/12/e8430 Pre-requisites: - The data file. mutfunc SQLite db can be downloaded from - https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_variation/mutfunc/mutfunc_data.db
- If you are using --offline please provide a FASTA file as this plugin requires the translation sequence to function.
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
db | (mandatory) Path to SQLite database containing data for other analysis. | motif | Select this option to have mutfunc motif analysis in the output | int | Select this option to have mutfunc protein interection analysis in the output | mod | Select this option to have mutfunc protein structure analysis in the output | exp | Select this option to have mutfunc protein structure (experimental) analysis in the output | extended | By default mutfunc outputs the most significant field for any analysis. Select this option to get more verbose output.
By default all of the four type of analysis (motif, int, mod, and exp) data are available in the output. But if you want to have
some selected analysis and not all of them just select the relevant options. Usage examples:
mv mutfunc.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin mutfunc,motif=1,extended=1,db=/FULL_PATH_TO/mutfunc_data.db
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin mutfunc,db=/FULL_PATH_TO/mutfunc_data.db
| Protein annotation | | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
finds the nearest exon junction boundary to a coding sequence variant. More than
one boundary may be reported if the boundaries are equidistant. more The plugin will report the Ensembl identifier of the exon, the distance to the
exon boundary, the boundary type (start or end of exon) and the total
length in nucleotides of the exon. Various key=value parameters can be altered by passing them to the plugin command: Argument | Description |
max_range | maximum search range in bp (default: 10000)
Parameters are passed e.g.: --plugin NearestExonJB,max_range=50000
Usage examples:
mv NearestExonJB.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --cache --plugin NearestExonJB
| Nearby features | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
finds the nearest gene(s) to a non-genic variant. More than one gene
may be reported if the genes overlap the variant or if genes are
equidistant. more Various key=value parameters can be altered by passing them to the plugin command: Argument | Description |
limit | limit the number of genes returned (default: 1) | range | initial search range in bp (default: 1000) | max_range | maximum search range in bp (default: 10000)
Parameters are passed e.g.: --plugin NearestGene,limit=3,max_range=50000
This plugin requires a database connection. It cannot be run with VEP
in offline mode i.e. using the --offline flag. Usage examples:
mv NearestGene.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --cache --plugin NearestGene
| Nearby features | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
retrieves data for missense and stop gain variants from neXtProt, which is a comprehensive
human-centric discovery platform that offers integration of and navigation
through protein-related data for example, variant information, localization
and interactions (https://www.nextprot.org/). more Please cite the neXtProt publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz995 This plugin is only suitable for small sets of variants as an additional
individual remote API query is run for each variant. The neXtProt_headers.txt file is a requirement for running this plugin and is found alongside the plugin in the
VEP_plugins GitHub repository. The file contains the RDF entities extracted from
https://snorql.nextprot.org/ Running options:
(Default) the data retrieved by default is the MatureProtein, NucleotidePhosphateBindingRegion,
Variant, MiscellaneousRegion, TopologicalDomain and InteractingRegion.
The plugin can also be run with other options to retrieve other data than the default. Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
max_set | Set value to 1 to return all available protein-related data (includes the default data) | return_values | The set of data to be returned with different data separated by &. Use file neXtProt_headers.txt to check which data (labels) are available.
Example: --plugin neXtProt,return_values=Domain&InteractingRegion | url | Set value to 1 to include the URL to link to the neXtProt entry.
| all_labels | Set value to 1 to include all labels, even if data is not available.
| position | Set value to 1 to include the start and end position in the protein.
(*) note: max_set and return_values cannot be used simultaneously. Output:
By default, the plugin only returns data that is available. Example (default behaviour):
neXtProt_MatureProtein=Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10
The option all_labels returns a consistent set of the requested fields, using "-" where
values are not available. Same example as above:
neXtProt_MatureProtein=Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 10;
Of notice, multiple values can be returned for the same label. In this case, the values will
be separeted by | for tab and txt format, and & for VCF format. N/B: This plugin requires a connection to the Ensembl database, and can not be used in offline mode. The plugin can then be run as default:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin neXtProt
or to return only the data specified by the user:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin neXtProt,return_values=Domain&InteractingRegion
Usage examples:
mv neXtProt.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin neXtProt
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin neXtProt,max_set=1
| Protein data | JSON::XS | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
that predicts if a variant allows the
transcript escape nonsense-mediated mRNA decay based on certain rules. more The rules are : - The variant location falls in the last exon of the transcript.
(ES= exon_start,EE = exon_end, I = intron, v = variant location) - The variant location falls 50 bases upstream of the penultimate (second to the last ) exon.
(ES= exon_start,EE = exon_end, I = intron, v = variant location) - The variant falls in the first 100 coding bases in the transcript.
(ES= exon_start,EE = exon_end, I = intron, v = variant location) - If the variant is in an intronless transcript, meaning only one exon exist in the transcript.
The additional term NMD-escaping variant (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay escaping variants) will be added if the variant matches any of the rules. REFERENCES :
- Identifying Genes Whose Mutant Transcripts Cause Dominant Disease Traits by Potential Gain-of-Function Alleles (Coban-Akdemir, 2018)
- The rules and impact of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in human cancers (Lindeboom, 2016)
Usage examples:
mv NMD.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin NMD
| Transcript annotation | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that integrates data from Open Targets Genetics
(https://genetics.opentargets.org), a tool that highlights variant-centric
statistical evidence to allow both prioritisation of candidate causal variants
at trait-associated loci and identification of potential drug targets. more Data from Open Targets Genetics includes locus-to-gene (L2G) scores to predict
causal genes at GWAS loci. The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. The Open
Targets Genetics file and respective index (TBI) file can be downloaded from:
https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/opentargets/genetics/latest/OTGenetics_VEP Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) Tabix-indexed file from Open Targets Genetics | cols | (optional) Colon-separated list of columns to return from the plugin file (default: "l2g:geneId"); use all to print all data |
Please cite the Open Targets Genetics publication alongside the VEP if you use
this resource: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkaa84 Usage examples:
mv OpenTargets.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# print Open Targets Genetics scores and respective gene identifiers (default)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin OpenTargets,file=path/to/data.tsv.bz # print all information from Open Targets Genetics
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin OpenTargets,file=path/to/data.tsv.bz,cols=all
| Variant data | | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that fetches variants overlapping the genomic coordinates of amino
acids aligned between paralogue proteins. This is useful to predict the
pathogenicity of variants in paralogue positions. more This plugin determines paralogue regions for a variant based on Ensembl
paralogue annotation. These versatile annotations allow to look up paralogue
regions for all variants from any species with Ensembl paralogues. After retrieving the paralogue regions, this plugin fetches variants
overlapping those regions from one of the following sources (by this order):
- Custom VCF via the vcf parameter
- VEP cache (in cache/offline mode)
- Ensembl API (in database mode)
This plugin automatically downloads paralogue annotation from Ensembl databases
if not available in the current directory (by default). Use option dir to
change the directory of the paralogue annotation:
--plugin Paralogues
--plugin Paralogues,dir=/path/to/dir
It is also possible to point to a custom tabix-indexed TSV file by using
option paralogues:
--plugin Paralogues,paralogues=file.tsv.gz
--plugin Paralogues,dir=/path/to/dir,paralogues=paralogues_file.tsv.gz
--plugin Paralogues,paralogues=/path/to/dir/paralogues_file.tsv.gz
Returned variants can be filtered based on clinical significance by using
option clnsig (use keyword ignore to avoid this filtering):
--plugin Paralogues,clnsig=ignore
--plugin Paralogues,clnsig=pathogenic,clnsig_match=partial
--plugin Paralogues,clnsig='likely pathogenic',clnsig_match=exact
--plugin Paralogues,vcf=/path/to/file.vcf.gz,clnsig=benign,clnsig_col=CLNSIG
The overlapping variants can be fetched from Ensembl API (by default) or a
custom tabix-indexed VCF file. You can point to a VCF file using option vcf
and input a colon-delimited list of INFO fields in fields:
--plugin Paralogues,vcf=/path/to/file.vcf.gz,clnsig_col=CLNSIG
--plugin Paralogues,vcf=/path/to/file.vcf.gz,clnsig=ignore,fields=identifier:alleles:CLNSIG:CLNVI:GENEINFO
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
dir | Directory with paralogue annotation (the annotation is created in this folder if the required files do not exist)
| paralogues | Tabix-indexed TSV file with paralogue annotation (the annotation is created with this filename, if the file does not
exist); if set to remote, paralogue annotation is fetched
from Ensembl API
| min_perc_cov | Minimum alignment percentage of the peptide associated with the input variant (default: 0)
| min_perc_pos | Minimum percentage of positivity (similarity) between both homologues (default: 50)
| regions | Boolean value to return regions used to look up paralogue variants (default: 1)
| vcf | Custom Tabix-indexed VCF file with information for overlapping variants (by default, overlapping variants are fetched from
VEP cache in cache/offline mode or Ensembl API in database mode)
| fields | Colon-separated list of information from paralogue variants to output (default: identifier:alleles:clinical_significance);
keyword all can be used to print all fields; available
fields include identifier, chromosome, start, alleles,
perc_cov, perc_pos, and clinical_significance (if
clnsig_col is defined for custom VCF); additional fields
are available depending on variant source:
- VEP cache: end and strand
- Ensembl API: end, strand, source, consequence and gene_symbol
- Custom VCF: quality, filter and name of INFO fields
| Clinical significance term to filter variants (default: pathogenic); use ignore to fetch all paralogue variants,
regardless of clinical significance
| clnsig_match | Type of match when filtering variants based on option clnsig: partial (default), exact or regex
| clnsig_col | Column name containing clinical significance in custom VCF (required with vcf option and if clnsig is not ignore) |
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to read the paralogue
annotation and the custom VCF file. Usage examples:
mv Paralogues.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# Find paralogue regions of all input variants using Ensembl paralogue annotation
# (automatically created if not in current directory) and fetch variants within
# those regions from VEP cache and whose clinical significance partially
# matches 'pathogenic'
./vep -i variations.vcf --cache --plugin Paralogues # Find paralogue regions of input variants using Ensembl paralogue annotation
# (automatically created if not in current directory) and fetch variants within
# those regions from a custom VCF file (regardless of their clinical significance)
./vep -i variations.vcf --cache --plugin Paralogues,vcf=/path/to/file.vcf,clnsig=ignore # Same using a custom VCF file but filtering for 'pathogenic' variants
./vep -i variations.vcf --cache --plugin Paralogues,vcf=/path/to/file.vcf,clnsig_col=CLNSIG # Fetch all Ensembl variants in paralogue proteins using only the Ensembl API
# (requires database access)
./vep -i variations.vcf --database --plugin Paralogues,mode=remote,clnsig='ignore'
| Pathogenicity predictions | | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves phenotype information associated with orthologous genes from model organisms. more The plugin annotates human variants and reports orthologous information from rat and mouse.
The plugin is only available for GRCh38. The PhenotypeOrthologous file can be downloaded from https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_variation/PhenotypeOrthologous The plugin can be run: ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PhenotypeOrthologous,file=PhenotypesOrthologous_homo_sapiens_112_GRCh38.gff3.gz
The file option is mandatory to run this plugin To return only results for rat :
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PhenotypeOrthologous,file=PhenotypesOrthologous_homo_sapiens_112_GRCh38.gff3.gz,model=rat
To return only results for mouse:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PhenotypeOrthologous,file=PhenotypesOrthologous_homo_sapiens_112_GRCh38.gff3.gz,model=mouse
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
Check https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git for instructions. Usage examples:
mv PhenotypeOrthologous.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PhenotypeOrthologous,file=PhenotypesOrthologous_homo_sapiens_112_GRCh38.gff3.gz
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves overlapping phenotype information. more On the first run for each new version/species/assembly will
download a GFF-format dump to ~/.vep/Plugins/ Ensembl provides phenotype annotations mapped to a number of genomic
feature types, including genes, variants and QTLs. This plugin is best used with JSON output format; the output will be
more verbose and include all available phenotype annotation data and
metadata. For other output formats, only a concatenated list of phenotype
description strings is returned. Several paramters can be set using a key=value system: Argument | Description |
dir | Path to directory where to look for phenotypes annotation. If the required file does not exist, the file is downloaded and
saved in the provided directory (download requires using
database or cache mode). | file | File path to phenotypes annotation. If the file does not exist, the file is downloaded and saved with this name
(download requires using database or cache mode). |
exclude_sources: &-separated list of phenotype sources to exclude. By default,
HGMD-PUBLIC and COSMIC annotations are excluded. See
http://www.ensembl.org/info/genome/variation/phenotype/sources_phenotype_documentation.html include_sources: &-separated list of phenotype sources to include. If defined,
exclude_sources is ignored. exclude_types : &-separated list of feature types to exclude: Gene, Variation,
QTL, StructuralVariation, SupportingStructuralVariation,
RegulatoryFeature. By default, StructuralVariation and
SupportingStructuralVariation annotations are always excluded
(due to size issues) and Variation is excluded when annotating
structural variants; to get these annotations in all cases, use
include_types=StructuralVariation&SupportingStructuralVariation&Variation include_types : &-separated list of feature types to include. If defined,
exclude_types is ignored. expand_right : Cache size in bp. By default, annotations 100000bp (100kb)
downstream of the initial lookup are cached. phenotype_feature : Boolean to report the gene/variation associated with the
phenotype (such as overlapping gene or structural
variation) and annotation source (default: 0)
cols : &-separated list of column and/or attribute names to output
from the gff file. The output fields will be ordered in the same
way given in cols argument. (default: phenotype or source,phenotype,id
if you set phenotype_feature=1) id_match : Return results only if the identifiers matches with the
variant or the gene depending on the type (default: 0)
Example: --plugin Phenotypes,file=${HOME}/phenotypes.gff.gz,include_types=Gene
--plugin Phenotypes,dir=${HOME},include_types=Gene
Usage examples:
mv Phenotypes.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# Automatically download phenotype annotation files if needed and annotate
# variants with phenotypes
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Phenotypes # Fetch only gene-associated phenotypes
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Phenotypes,include_types=Gene # Set directory with phenotypes annotations (phenotype annotation file is
# automatically downloaded if not available in this directory)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Phenotypes,dir=${HOME},include_types=Gene # Specify a file with phenotypes annotation (file is automatically
# downloaded and saved with this name if it does not exist)
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Phenotypes,file=${HOME}/phenotypes.gff.gz,include_types=Gene
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that adds the probabililty of a gene being
loss-of-function intolerant (pLI) to the VEP output. more Lek et al. (2016) estimated pLI using the expectation-maximization
(EM) algorithm and data from 60,706 individuals from
ExAC (http://exac.broadinstitute.org). The closer pLI is to 1,
the more likely the gene is loss-of-function (LoF) intolerant. Note: the pLI was calculated using a representative transcript and
is reported by gene in the plugin. The data for the plugin is provided by Kaitlin Samocha and Daniel MacArthur.
See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27535533 for a description
of the dataset and analysis. The pLI_values.txt file is found alongside the plugin in the
VEP_plugins GitHub repository. The file contains the fields gene and pLI
extracted from the file at https://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/ExAC_release/release0.3/functional_gene_constraint/fordist_cleaned_exac_r03_march16_z_pli_rec_null_data.txt From this file, extract gene or transcipt pLI scores:
To extract gene scores :
awk '{print $2, $20 }' fordist_cleaned_exac_r03_march16_z_pli_rec_null_data.txt > plI_gene.txt
NB: The gene scores file can also be found in the VEP_plugins directory. To extract transcript scores:
awk '{print $1, $20 }' fordist_cleaned_exac_r03_march16_z_pli_rec_null_data.txt > plI_transcript.txt
NB: Using this file, No transcript score will be returned. To use another values file, add it as a parameter i.e.
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin pLI,values_file.txt
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin pLI,values_file.txt,transcript # to check for the transcript score.
Usage examples:
mv pLI.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
mv pLI_values.txt ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variants.vcf --plugin pLI
| Gene tolerance to change | | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves PolyPhen and SIFT predictions from a
locally constructed SQLite database. It can be used when your main
source of VEP transcript annotation (e.g. a GFF file or GFF-based cache)
does not contain these predictions. more You must create a SQLite database of the predictions or point to the SQLite
database file already created. Compatible SQLite databases based on pangenome
data are available at http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/current_variation/pangenomes You may point to the file by adding parameter db=[file]. If the file is not
in HOME/.vep, you can also use parameter dir=[dir] to indicate its path. --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,db=[file]
--plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,db=[file],dir=[dir]
To create a SQLite database using PolyPhen/SIFT data from the Ensembl database,
you must have an active database connection (i.e. not using --offline) and
add parameter create_db=1. This will create a SQLite file named
[species].PolyPhen_SIFT.db, placed in the directory specified by the dir
parameter: --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,create_db=1
--plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,create_db=1,dir=/some/specific/directory
*** NB: this will take some hours! *** When creating a PolyPhen_SIFT by simply using create_db=1, you do not need to
specify any parameters to load the appropriate file based on the species: --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT
Usage examples:
mv PolyPhen_SIFT.pm ~/.vep/Plugins# Read default PolyPhen/SIFT SQLite file in $HOME/.vep
./vep -i variations.vcf -cache --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT # Read database with custom name and/or located in a custom directory
./vep -i variations.vcf -cache --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,db=custom.db
./vep -i variations.vcf -cache --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,dir=/some/custom/dir
./vep -i variations.vcf -cache --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,db=custom.db,dir=/some/custom/dir # Create PolyPhen/SIFT SQLite file based on Ensembl database
./vep -i variations.vcf -cache --plugin PolyPhen_SIFT,create_db=1
| Pathogenicity predictions | | Ensembl |
| This plugin for Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) computes the predictions of PON-P2
for amino acid substitutions in human proteins. more PON-P2 is developed and maintained by Protein Structure and Bioinformatics Group
at Lund University and is available at http://structure.bmc.lu.se/PON-P2/. If you use this data, please cite the following publication
Niroula, A., Vihinen, M. Harmful somatic amino acid substitutions affect key pathways in cancers.
BMC Med Genomics 8, 53 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12920-015-0125-x There are two ways to run the plugin: - To compute the predictions from the PON-P2 API, use python script ponp2.py (*) and select the reference genome (acceptable values are: hg37 and hg38):
--plugin PON_P2,pyscript=/path/to/python/script/ponp2.py,hg=hg37
(*) To run this mode, you will require a python script and its dependencies (Python,
python suds). The python file can be downloaded from http://structure.bmc.lu.se/PON-P2/vep.html/
and the complete path to this file must be supplied while using this plugin. - To fetch the predictions from a file containing pre-calculated predictions for somatic variations please use the following key=value option (only available for GRCh37):
The following steps are necessary before using the file:
(head -n 1 COSMIC.txt && tail -n +2 COSMIC.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k1,1 -k2,2n) > cosmic_sorted.txt
sed -i 's/Chromosome/#Chromosome/' cosmic_sorted.txt
bgzip cosmic_sorted.txt
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 cosmic_sorted.txt.gz
--plugin PON_P2,file=path/to/cosmic_sorted.txt.gz
Usage examples:
mv PON_P2.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PON_P2,pyscript=/path/to/python/script/ponp2.py,hg=hg37
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | - Abhishek Niroula
- Mauno Vihinen
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data for variants from a tabix-indexed PostGAP file (1-based file). more Please refer to the PostGAP github and wiki for more information:
https://github.com/Ensembl/postgap/wiki/algorithm-pseudo-code The Bio::DB::HTS perl library or tabix utility must be installed in your path
to use this plugin. The PostGAP data file can be downloaded from
https://storage.googleapis.com/postgap-data. The file must be processed and indexed by tabix before use by this plugin.
PostGAP has coordinates for both GRCh38 and GRCh37; the file must be
processed differently according to the assembly you use. wget https://storage.googleapis.com/postgap-data/postgap.txt.gz
gunzip postgap.txt.gz
# GRCh38
(grep ^"ld_snp_rsID" postgap.txt; grep -v ^"ld_snp_rsID" postgap.txt | sort -k4,4 -k5,5n ) | bgzip > postgap_GRCh38.txt.gz
tabix -s 4 -b 5 -e 5 -c l postgap_GRCh38.txt.gz
# GRCh37
(grep ^"ld_snp_rsID" postgap.txt; grep -v ^"ld_snp_rsID" postgap.txt | sort -k2,2 -k3,3n ) | bgzip > postgap_GRCh37.txt.gz
tabix -s 2 -b 3 -e 3 -c l postgap_GRCh37.txt.gz
Note that in the last command we tell tabix that the header line starts with "l";
this may change to the default of "#" in future versions of PostGAP. When running the plugin by default disease_efo_id, disease_name, gene_id
and score information is returned e.g. --plugin POSTGAP,/path/to/PostGap.gz
You may include all columns with ALL; this fetches a large amount of data per
variant!: --plugin POSTGAP,/path/to/PostGap.gz,ALL
You may want to select only a specific subset of additional information to be
reported, you can do this by specifying the columns as parameters to the plugin e.g. --plugin POSTGAP,/path/to/PostGap.gz,gwas_pmid,gwas_size
If a requested column is not found, the error message will report the
complete list of available columns in the POSTGAP file. For a brief description
of the available information please refer to the 'How do I use POSTGAP output?'
section in the POSTGAP wiki. Tabix also allows the data file to be hosted on a remote server. This plugin is
fully compatible with such a setup - simply use the URL of the remote file: --plugin PostGAP,http://my.files.com/postgap.txt.gz
Note that gene sequences referred to in PostGAP may be out of sync with
those in the latest release of Ensembl; this may lead to discrepancies with
scores retrieved from other sources. Usage examples:
mv PostGAP.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PostGAP,/path/to/PostGap.gz,col1,col2
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| The PrimateAI VEP plugin is designed to retrieve clinical impact scores of
variants, as described in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0167-z.
Please consider citing the paper if using this plugin. more In brief, common missense mutations in non-human primate species are usually
benign in humans. Thousands of common variants from six non-human primate
species were used to train a deep neural network to identify pathogenic
mutations in humans with a rare disease. This plugin uses files generated by the PrimateAI software, which is
available from https://github.com/Illumina/PrimateAI. The files containing
predicted pathogenicity scores can be downloaded from
https://basespace.illumina.com/s/yYGFdGih1rXL (a free BaseSpace account may
be required):
PrimateAI_scores_v0.2.tsv.gz (for GRCh37/hg19)
PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_hg38.tsv.gz (for GRCh38/hg38) Before running the plugin for the first time, the following steps must be
taken to format the downloaded files: - Unzip the score files
- Add '#' in front of the column description line
- Remove any empty lines.
- Sort the file by chromosome and position
- Compress the file in .bgz format
- Create tabix index (requires tabix to be installed).
Command line examples for formatting input files:
gunzip -cf PrimateAI_scores_v0.2.tsv.gz | sed '12s/.*/#&/' | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'NR<12{print $0;next}{print $0 | "sort -k1,1 -k 2,2n -V"}' | bgzip > PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh37_sorted.tsv.bgz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh37_sorted.tsv.bgz
gunzip -cf PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_hg38.tsv.gz | sed '12s/.*/#&/' | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'NR<12{print $0;next}{print $0 | "sort -k1,1 -k 2,2n -V"}' | bgzip > PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh38_sorted.tsv.bgz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh38_sorted.tsv.bgz
Usage examples:
mv PrimateAI.pm ~/.vep/Plugins./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PrimateAI,PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh37_sorted.tsv.bgz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin PrimateAI,PrimateAI_scores_v0.2_GRCh38_sorted.tsv.bgz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
prints out the reference and mutated protein sequences of any
proteins found with non-synonymous mutations in the input file. more You should supply the name of file where you want to store the
reference protein sequences as the first argument, and a file to
store the mutated sequences as the second argument. Note that, for simplicity, where stop codons are gained the plugin
simply substitutes a '*' into the sequence and does not truncate the
protein. Where a stop codon is lost any new amino acids encoded by the
mutation are appended to the sequence, but the plugin does not attempt
to translate until the next downstream stop codon. Also, the protein
sequence resulting from each mutation is printed separately, no attempt
is made to apply multiple mutations to the same protein. Usage examples:
mv ProteinSeqs.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin ProteinSeqs,reference.fa,mutated.fa
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin ProteinSeqs,reference=reference.fa,mutated=mutated.fa
| Sequence | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
reports on the quality of the reference genome using GRC data at the location of your variants.
More information can be found at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/grc/human/issues more | Sequence | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds the REVEL score for missense variants to VEP output. more Please cite the REVEL publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27666373 Running options:
If available, the plugin will match the scores by transcript id (default).
Using the flag 1 the plugin will not try to match by transcript id. REVEL scores can be downloaded from: https://sites.google.com/site/revelgenomics/downloads The plugin supports several REVEL file versions:
- REVEL file version Dec 2017, which has 7 columns and only GRCh37 coordinates
- REVEL file version Feb 2020, which has 8 columns with GRCh37 and GRCh38 coordinates
- REVEL file version May 2021, which has 9 columns with GRCh37 and GRCh38 coordinates and a new column with transcript ids
These files can be tabix-processed by:
unzip revel-v1.3_all_chromosomes.zip
cat revel_with_transcript_ids | tr "," "\t" > tabbed_revel.tsv
sed '1s/.*/#&/' tabbed_revel.tsv > new_tabbed_revel.tsv
bgzip new_tabbed_revel.tsv
for GRCh37:
tabix -f -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 new_tabbed_revel.tsv.gz
for GRCh38:
zcat new_tabbed_revel.tsv.gz | head -n1 > h
zgrep -h -v ^#chr new_tabbed_revel.tsv.gz | awk '$3 != "." ' | sort -k1,1 -k3,3n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz
tabix -f -s 1 -b 3 -e 3 new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz
The plugin can then be run as default:
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin REVEL,file=/path/to/revel/data.tsv.gz
or with the option to not match by transcript id:
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin REVEL,file=/path/to/revel/data.tsv.gz,no_match=1
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
The --assembly flag is required to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv REVEL.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh37 --plugin REVEL,file=/path/to/revel/data.tsv.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh38 --plugin REVEL,file=/path/to/revel/data.tsv.gz
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |
| This is a VEP plugin that uses a standardized catalog of human Ribo-seq ORFs to
re-calculate consequences for variants located in these translated regions. more This plugin reports new consequences based on the evidence from the Ribo-seq
ORF annotation and supporting publications. The human Ribo-seq ORF data can be
downloaded from: https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/riboseq_orfs/data After downloading the annotation, please bgzip and tabix it:
bgzip Ribo-seq_ORFs.bed
tabix Ribo-seq_ORFs.bed.gz
For optimal performance when running this plugin in VEP, please use a FASTA
file (--fasta). A FASTA file is always required in offline mode. Please cite the publication for the Ribo-seq ORF annotation alongside the VEP
if you use this resource: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-022-01369-0 The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. Usage examples:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin RiboseqORFs,file=/path/to/Ribo-seq_ORFs.bed.gz
| Transcript annotation | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that reports existing variants that fall in the same codon.
This plugin requires a database connection, can not be run in offline mode more Usage examples:
mv SameCodon.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SameCodon
| Variant data | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves data for variants from a tabix-indexed satMutMPRA file (1-based file).
The saturation mutagenesis-based massively parallel reporter assays (satMutMPRA) measures variant
effects on gene RNA expression for 21 regulatory elements (11 enhancers, 10 promoters). more The 20 disease-associated regulatory elements and one ultraconserved enhancer analysed in different cell lines are the following:
- ten promoters (of TERT, LDLR, HBB, HBG, HNF4A, MSMB, PKLR, F9, FOXE1 and GP1BB) and
- ten enhancers (of SORT1, ZRS, BCL11A, IRF4, IRF6, MYC (2x), RET, TCF7L2 and ZFAND3) and
- one ultraconserved enhancer (UC88).
Please refer to the satMutMPRA web server and Kircher M et al. (2019) paper for more information:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31395865 Parameters can be set using a key=value system: Argument | Description |
file | required - a tabix indexed file of the satMutMPRA data corresponding to desired assembly.
| pvalue | p-value threshold (default: 0.00001)
| cols | colon delimited list of data types to be returned from the satMutMPRA data (default: Value, P-Value, and Element) | incl_repl | include replicates (default: off): - full replicate for LDLR promoter (LDLR.2) and SORT1 enhancer (SORT1.2)
- a reversed sequence orientation for SORT1 (SORT1-flip)
- other conditions: PKLR-48h, ZRSh-13h2, TERT-GAa, TERT-GBM, TERG-GSc
The Bio::DB::HTS perl library or tabix utility must be installed in your path
to use this plugin. The satMutMPRA data file can be downloaded from
https://mpra.gs.washington.edu/satMutMPRA/ satMutMPRA data can be downloaded for both GRCh38 and GRCh37 from the web server (https://mpra.gs.washington.edu/satMutMPRA/):
Download section, select GRCh37 or GRCh38 for 'Genome release' and 'Download All Elements'. The file must be processed and indexed by tabix before use by this plugin. # GRCh38
(grep ^Chr GRCh38_ALL.tsv; grep -v ^Chr GRCh38_ALL.tsv | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ) | bgzip > satMutMPRA_GRCh38_ALL.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -c C satMutMPRA_GRCh38_ALL.gz
# GRCh37
(grep ^Chr GRCh37_ALL.tsv; grep -v ^Chr GRCh37_ALL.tsv | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ) | bgzip > satMutMPRA_GRCh37_ALL.gz
tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -c C satMutMPRA_GRCh37_ALL.gz
When running the plugin by default Value, P-Value, and Element
information is returned e.g. --plugin satMutMPRA,file=/path/to/satMutMPRA_GRCh38_ALL.gz
You may include all columns with ALL; this fetches all data per variant
(e.g. Tags, DNA, RNA, Value, P-Value, Element): --plugin satMutMPRA,file=/path/to/satMutMPRA_GRCh38_ALL.gz,cols=ALL
You may want to select only a specific subset of information to be
reported, you can do this by specifying the specific columns as parameters to the plugin e.g. --plugin satMutMPRA,file=/path/to/satMutMPRA_GRCh38_ALL.gz,cols=Tags:DNA
If a requested column is not found, the error message will report the
complete list of available columns in the satMutMPRA file. For a detailed description
of the available information please refer to the manuscript or online web server. Tabix also allows the data file to be hosted on a remote server. This plugin is
fully compatible with such a setup - simply use the URL of the remote file: --plugin satMutMPRA,file=http://my.files.com/satMutMPRA.gz
Note that gene locations referred to in satMutMPRA may be out of sync with
those in the latest release of Ensembl; this may lead to discrepancies with
information retrieved from other sources. Usage examples:
mv satMutMPRA.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin satMutMPRA,file=/path/to/satMutMPRA_data.gz,cols=col1:col2
| Phenotype data and citations | - | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
returns a HGVSp string with single amino acid letter codes more Usage examples:
mv SingleLetterAA.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SingleLetterAA
| HGVS | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves pre-calculated annotations from SpliceAI.
SpliceAI is a deep neural network, developed by Illumina, Inc
that predicts splice junctions from an arbitrary pre-mRNA transcript sequence. more Delta score of a variant, defined as the maximum of (DS_AG, DS_AL, DS_DG, DS_DL),
ranges from 0 to 1 and can be interpreted as the probability of the variant being
splice-altering. The author-suggested cutoffs are:
- 0.2 (high recall)
- 0.5 (recommended)
- 0.8 (high precision)
This plugin is available for both GRCh37 and GRCh38. More information can be found at:
https://pypi.org/project/spliceai/ Please cite the SpliceAI publication alongside VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30661751 Running options:
- By default, this plugin appends all scores from SpliceAI files.
- Besides the pre-calculated scores, it can also be specified a score cutoff between 0 and 1.
The output includes the gene symbol, delta scores (DS) and delta positions (DP)
for acceptor gain (AG), acceptor loss (AL), donor gain (DG), and donor loss (DL). - For tab the output contains one header SpliceAI_pred with all the delta scores and positions. The format is:
- For JSON the output is a hash with the following format: "spliceai":
- For VCF output the delta scores and positions are stored in different headers. The values are SpliceAI_pred_xx being xx the score/position.
Example: SpliceAI_pred_DS_AG is the delta score for acceptor gain.
Gene matching:
SpliceAI can contain scores for multiple genes that overlap a variant,
and VEP can also predict consequences on multiple genes for a given variant.
The plugin only returns SpliceAI scores for the gene symbols that match (if any). If plugin is run with option 2, the output also contains a flag: PASS if delta score
passes the cutoff, FAIL otherwise. The following steps are necessary before running this plugin: The files with the annotations for all possible substitutions (snv), 1 base insertions
and 1-4 base deletions (indel) within genes are available here:
https://basespace.illumina.com/s/otSPW8hnhaZR GRCh37:
tabix -p vcf spliceai_scores.raw.snv.hg37.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf spliceai_scores.raw.indel.hg37.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf spliceai_scores.raw.snv.hg38.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf spliceai_scores.raw.indel.hg38.vcf.gz
The plugin can then be run:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceAI,snv=/path/to/spliceai_scores.raw.snv.hg38.vcf.gz,indel=/path/to/spliceai_scores.raw.indel.hg38.vcf.gz
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceAI,snv=/path/to/spliceai_scores.raw.snv.hg38.vcf.gz,indel=/path/to/spliceai_scores.raw.indel.hg38.vcf.gz,cutoff=0.5
Usage examples:
mv SpliceAI.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceAI,snv=/path/to/spliceai_snv_.vcf.gz,
| Splicing predictions | List::Util qw(max) | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
provides more granular predictions of splicing effects. more Three additional terms may be added: # splice_donor_5th_base_variant : variant falls in the 5th base after the splice donor junction (5' end of intron) v
(E = exon, I = intron, v = variant location) # splice_donor_region_variant : variant falls in region between 3rd and 6th base after splice junction (5' end of intron) vv vvv
# splice_polypyrimidine_tract_variant : variant falls in polypyrimidine tract at 3' end of intron, between 17 and 3 bases from the end vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Usage examples:
mv SpliceRegion.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceRegionTo only show the additional consequence extended_intronic_splice_region_variant, use:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceRegion,Extended
| Splicing predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves SpliceVault data to predict exon-skipping events
and activated cryptic splice sites based on the most common mis-splicing events
around a splice site. more This plugin returns the most common variant-associated mis-splicing events
based on SpliceVault data. Each event includes the following information:
- Type: exon skipping (ES), cryptic donor (CD) or cryptic acceptor (CA)
- Transcript impact:
- For ES, describes skipped exons, e.g. ES:2 represents exon 2 skipping and ES:2-3 represents skipping of exon 2 and 3
- For CD/CA, describes the distance from the annotated splice-site to the cryptic splice-site with reference to the transcript (distances to negative
strand transcripts are reported according to the 5' to 3' distance)
- Percent of supporting samples: percent of samples supporting the event over total samples where splicing occurs in that site (note this may be above 100%
if the event is seen in more samples than annotated splicing)
- Frameshift: inframe or out-of-frame event
The plugin also returns information specific to each splice site:
- Site position/type: genomic location and type (donor/acceptor) of the splice-site predicted to be lost by SpliceAI. Cryptic positions are relative
to this genomic coordinate.
- Out of frame events: fraction of the top events that cause a frameshift. As per https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36747048, sites with 3/4 or more in-frame
events are likely to be splice-rescued and not loss-of-function (LoF).
- Site sample count and max depth: sample count for this splice site and max number of reads in any single sample representing annotated splicing in
Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx). This information allows to filter events
based on a minimum number of samples or minimum depth in GTEx.
- SpliceAI delta score (provided by SpliceVault)
Please cite the SpliceVault publication alongside the VEP if you use this
resource: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36747048 The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin. The
SpliceVault TSV and respective index (TBI) for GRCh38 can be downloaded from:
To filter results, please use filter_vep with the output file or standard
output. Documentation on filter_vep is available at:
https://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_filter.html Usage examples:
mv SpliceVault.pm ~/.vep/Plugins./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SpliceVault,file=/path/to/SpliceVault_data_GRCh38.tsv.gz # Stringently select predicted loss-of-function (pLoF) splicing variants
./filter_vep -i variant_effect_output.txt --filter "SPLICEVAULT_OUT_OF_FRAME_EVENTS >= 3"
| Splicing predictions | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that retrieves information from overlapping structural variants. more Parameters can be set using a key=value system: Argument | Description |
file | required - a VCF file of reference data.
| percentage | percentage overlap between SVs (default: 80) | reciprocal | calculate reciprocal overlap, options: 0 or 1. (default: 0) (overlap is expressed as % of input SV by default) | cols | colon delimited list of data types to return from the INFO fields (only AF by default)
| same_type | 1/0 only report SV of the same type (eg deletions for deletions, off by default)
| distance | the distance the ends of the overlapping SVs should be within.
| match_type | only report reference SV which lie within or completely surround the input SV options: within, surrounding | label | annotation label that will appear in the output (default: "SV_overlap") Example- input: label=mydata, output: mydata_name=refSV,mydata_PC=80,mydata_AF=0.05 |
Example reference data Example:
./vep -i structvariants.vcf --plugin StructuralVariantOverlap,file=gnomad_v2_sv.sites.vcf.gz
Usage examples:
mv StructuralVariantOverlap.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i structvariants.vcf --plugin StructuralVariantOverlap,file=gnomad_v2_sv.sites.vcf.gz
| Structural variant data | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin to retrieve overlapping records from a given VCF file.
Values for POS, ID, and ALT, are retrieved as well as values for any requested
INFO field. Additionally, the allele number of the matching ALT is returned. more Though similar to using --custom, this plugin returns all ALTs for a given
POS, as well as all associated INFO values. By default, only VCF records with a filter value of "PASS" are returned,
however this behaviour can be changed via the filter option. The plugin accepts the following key=value parameters: Argument | Description |
name | short name added used as a prefix (required) | file | path to tabix-index vcf file (required) | filter | only consider variants marked as PASS, 1 or 0 (default, 1) | fields | info fields to be returned (default, not used) - '%' can delimit multiple fields
- '*' can be used as a wildcard
- <name>_POS: POS field from VCF
- <name>_REF: REF field from VCF (minimised)
- <name>_ALT: ALT field from VCF (minimised)
- <name>_alt_index: Index of matching variant (zero-based)
- <name>_<field>: List of requested info values
Usage examples:
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin SubsetVCF,file=filepath.vcf.gz,name=myvfc,fields=AC*%AN*
| Variant data | | Joseph A. Prinz |
| A VEP plugin that annotates variant-transcript pairs based on a given file: more --plugin TranscriptAnnotator,file=${HOME}/file.tsv.gz
Example of a valid tab-separated annotation file: #Chrom Pos Ref Alt Transcript SIFT_score SIFT_pred Comment
11 436154 A G NM_001347882.2 0.03 Deleterious Bad
11 1887471 C T ENST00000421485 0.86 Tolerated Good
Please bgzip and tabix the file with commands such as: bgzip file.txt
tabix -b2 -e2 file.txt.gz
Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (mandatory) Tabix-indexed file to parse. Must contain variant location (chromosome, position, reference allele, alternative allele)
and transcript ID as the first 5 columns. Accepted transcript IDs
include those from Ensembl and RefSeq.
| cols | Colon-delimited list with names of the columns to append. Column names are based on the last header line. By default, all columns
(except the first 5) are appended.
| prefix | String to prefix the name of appended columns (default: basename of the filename without extensions). Set to 0 to avoid any prefix.
| trim | Trim whitespaces from both ends of each column (default: 1).
The tabix and bgzip utilities must be installed in your path to read the
tabix-indexed annotation file: check https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git for
installation instructions. Usage examples:
mv TranscriptAnnotator.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin TranscriptAnnotator,file=/path/to/file.txt.gz
| Transcript annotation | File::Basename | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that calculates the distance from the transcription
start site for upstream variants. more Usage examples:
mv TSSDistance.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin TSSDistance
| Nearby features | - | Ensembl |
| A VEP plugin that annotates the effect of 5' UTR variant especially for variant creating/disrupting upstream ORFs.
Available for both GRCh37 and GRCh38. more Options are passed to the plugin as key=value pairs: Argument | Description |
file | (Required) Path to UTRAnnotator data file: |
Citation About the role of 5'UTR variants in human genetic disease: Whiffin, N., Karczewski, K.J., Zhang, X. et al. Characterising the loss-of-function impact of 5’ untranslated region variants in 15,708 individuals. Nat Commun 11, 2523 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10717-9 About UTRAnnotator: The original UTRAnnotator plugin is written by Xiaolei Zhang et al. Later adopted by Ensembl VEP plugins with some changes.
You can find the original plugin here -
https://github.com/ImperialCardioGenetics/UTRannotator Please cite the UTRannotator publication alongside the Ensembl VEP if you use this resource -
Annotating high-impact 5'untranslated region variants with the UTRannotator Zhang, X., Wakeling, M.N., Ware, J.S, Whiffin, N. Bioinformatics; doi: https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa783/5905476 Usage examples:
mv UTRAnnotator.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
vep -i variations.vcf --plugin UTRAnnotator,file=/path/to/uORF_starts_ends_GRCh38_PUBLIC.txt# skip annotation for variants with a 80% or higher overlap of the UTR
vep -i variations.vcf --plugin UTRAnnotator,file=/path/to/uORF_starts_ends_GRCh38_PUBLIC.txt,max_overlap=80
| Transcript annotation | | Ensembl |
| This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that
adds the pre-computed VARITY scores to predict pathogenicity of
rare missense variants to VEP output. more Please cite the VARITY publication alongside the VEP if you use this resource:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8715197/ Running options : VARITY scores can be downloaded using
wget http://varity.varianteffect.org/downloads/varity_all_predictions.tar.gz
The files can be tabix processed by :
tar -xzvf varity_all_predictions.tar.gz
cat varity_all_predictions.txt | (head -n 1 && tail -n +2 | sort -t$'\t' -k 1,1 -k 2,2n) > varity_all_predictions_sorted.tsv
sed '1s/.*/#&/' varity_all_predictions_sorted.tsv > varity_all_predictions.tsv # to add a # in the first line of the file
bgzip varity_all_predictions.tsv
tabix -f -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 varity_all_predictions.tsv.gz
The tabix utility must be installed in your path to use this plugin.
The --assembly flag is required to use this plugin. Usage examples:
mv VARITY.pm ~/.vep/Plugins
./vep -i variations.vcf --assembly GRCh37 --plugin VARITY,file=/path/to/varity_all_predictions.txt
| Pathogenicity predictions | - | Ensembl |