Human (GRCh37.p13)

LRG region LRG_44. This LRG was created as a reference standard for the CD8A gene. Source: LRG.

LRG location

maps to Chromosome 2: 87,009,728-87,040,519 reverse strand.

LRG transcripts
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  • Transcript ID
  • Length (bp)
  • Protein ID
  • Length (aa)
Transcript IDLength (bp)Protein IDLength (aa)

LRG image

The image below displays LRG transcripts and the features overlapping LRG_44.

LRG transcripts

Transcripts from the Locus Reference Genomic sequence project.

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Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19

The GENCODE Comprehensive set is the gene set for human and mouse

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RefSeq import

Human RefSeq gene models from NCBI RefSeq were imported into Ensembl in December 2013.

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LRG gene

Track showing the underlying LRG gene from the Locus Reference Genomic sequence project.

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LRG transcripts

Transcripts from the Locus Reference Genomic sequence project.

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RefSeq import

Human RefSeq gene models from NCBI RefSeq were imported into Ensembl in December 2013.

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Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19

The GENCODE Comprehensive set is the gene set for human and mouse

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Configuring the display

Tip: use the "Configure this page" link on the left to show additional data in this region.