Human (GRCh37.p13)

dynein, cytoplasmic 1, heavy chain 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:2961]

Gene Synonyms

DHC1, DHC1a, DNCH1, DNCL, DNECL, DYHC, Dnchc1, HL-3, KIAA0325, SMALED1, p22

About this transcript

This transcript has 78 exons, is annotated with 35 domains and features, is associated with 39786 variant alleles and maps to 2058 oligo probes.

Transcript IDNamebpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeCCDSUniProt MatchRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
CCDS9966B4DSR6 Q14204 Q92862
NM_001376.4Ensembl CanonicalGENCODE basic
Protein coding
--CDS 5' and 3' incomplete
ENST00000556791.1DYNC1H1-010938No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000555102.1DYNC1H1-005561No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000555204.1DYNC1H1-012353No protein-
Processed transcript
ENST00000555062.1DYNC1H1-0031351No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000556139.1DYNC1H1-007763No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000554854.1DYNC1H1-011721No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000556229.1DYNC1H1-004582No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000556499.1DYNC1H1-006554No protein-
Retained intron
ENST00000555800.1DYNC1H1-009474No protein-
Retained intron

Exons: 78, Coding exons: 78, Transcript length: 14,333 bps, Translation length: 4,646 residues


This transcript corresponds to the following Uniprot identifiers: Q14204


This transcript is a member of the Human CCDS set: CCDS9966




Protein coding

Annotation Method

Transcript where the Ensembl genebuild transcript and the Havana manual annotation have the same sequence, for every base pair. See article.

Alternative transcripts

This transcript corresponds to the following database identifiers:

Transcript having exact match between ENSEMBL and HAVANA:
OTTHUMT00000414574 (version 1)
GENCODE basic gene

This transcript is a member of the Gencode basic gene set.