Human (GRCh37.p13)

Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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8 mapped markers found:

D8S1492chromosome 8:10620935-10621062
D8S520chromosome 8:10556362-1055655410556377-10556559
RH102027chromosome 8:10557952-10558076
RH121634chromosome 8:10576434-10576730
RH65392chromosome 8:10582750-10582939
RH81045chromosome 8:10581327-10581560
SHGC-154908chromosome 8:10570827-10571169
SOX7chromosome 8:10583299-10583420