This view displays information about a particular chromosome map marker or sequence tagged site (STS). Markers in Ensembl are mapped from UniSTS. In the case more than one marker is found in the region being viewed, click on a marker name to open a view with specific information for that marker.
The following information is found on the view for one specific Marker:
- Location - shows the location in nucleotide coordinates to which the marker has been mapped by Ensembl (chromosome or scaffold and base pairs). Mapping is based on the program e-PCR. For some markers, e-PCR finds multiple locations. Clicking on the location takes you to a display of the region.
- Source - shows selected identifiers, and the corresponding database source, for the marker. Clicking on the identifier takes you to an appropriate page in UniSTS.
- Synonyms - shows other names that correspond to the same marker.
- Primers - Markers are normally defined by a pair of primers and the size of the product that is expected if the primers are used in a PCR experiment.
The table shows alternate genetic maps, the name of the marker used in the map, the chromosome, and the position in centimorgans.