Human (GRCh37.p13)

Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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8 mapped markers found:

A006G05chromosome 13:49783685-49783852
D13S1171chromosome 13:49688182-49688285
G32341chromosome 13:49783685-49783852
RH44749chromosome 13:49781500-49781657
RH45787chromosome 13:49714993-49715150
RH47134chromosome 13:49783117-49783305
RH98674chromosome 13:49653250-49653415
WI-18286chromosome 13:49666737-49666861