Human (GRCh37.p13)

Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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7 mapped markers found:

D12S1169Echromosome 12:60168558-60168640
D12S1700chromosome 12:60016773-60016952
RH119685chromosome 12:60042890-60043168
RH123615chromosome 12:60119241-60119562
SHGC-153727chromosome 12:60083137-60083442
STS-N34486chromosome 12:60175257-60175455
Slc16a7chromosome 12:60168448-6016866460168448-60168978