Human (GRCh37.p13)

Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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Assembly exceptions

GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)

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8 mapped markers found:

A005L09chromosome 9:135119613-135119740
A008M28chromosome 9:135138496-135138705
Cda1bc05chromosome 9:135137278-135137380
D9S1073Echromosome 9:135138324-135138405
G20303chromosome 9:135119613-135119740
RH91796chromosome 9:135139342-135139499
SHGC-16732chromosome 9:135136887-135137026
WI-12222chromosome 9:135139335-135139440