[["rect",[150,38,996,50],{"title":"Band: q15.1","href":"/Homo_sapiens/ZMenu/Location/Overview?config=cytoview;db=core;g=ENSG00000051180;r=15:40100001-42800000;track=chr_band_core"}],["rect",[15,38,112,52],{"alt":"Human (Homo sapiens)","klass":["label","TxBH6oZU"]}],["rect",[150,54,292,68],{"href":"/Homo_sapiens/ZMenu/Location/MiscFeature?config=cytoview;db=core;g=ENSG00000051180;mfid=62539;misc_feature=CTD-2339L15;r=15:40884942-40993231;track=misc_feature_core_tilepath"}],["rect",[291,67,996,81],{"href":"/Homo_sapiens/ZMenu/Location/MiscFeature?config=cytoview;db=core;g=ENSG00000051180;mfid=62540;misc_feature=RP11-532F12;r=15:40993232-41157098;track=misc_feature_core_tilepath"}],["rect",[15,54,64,68],{"alt":"Human (Homo sapiens)","klass":["label","Gv5vOZzs"]}],["rect",[150,5,996,114],{"alt":"Click and drag to select a region","klass":["drag"],"href":"#drag|1|2|Homo_sapiens|15|40986972|41024354|1"}]]
Assembly exceptions
GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)
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Chromosome bands
Cytogenetic bands
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BAC clones upon which the current genomic assembly was based. Colours indicate a finished sequence (gold clones), phase 1 sequencing (dark pink), phase 0 (light pink) or other (grey). Clones that have been fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) mapped are marked with a black triangle in the top left corner. If a clone is shown in outline, the mapping to the genome is problematic and the true length may not be displayed.
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