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GRCh37.p13 (Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 37), INSDC Assembly GCA_000001405.14, Feb 2009
Base Pairs
Golden Path Length
Annotation provider
Annotation method
Full genebuild
Genebuild started
Jul 2010
Genebuild released
Apr 2011
Genebuild last updated/patched
Sep 2013
Database version
Gencode version
Gene counts (Primary assembly)
Gene/transcipt that contains an open reading frame (ORF).Coding genes
20,805 (excl 463 A readthrough transcript has exons that overlap exons from transcripts belonging to two or more different loci (in addition to the locus to which the readthrough transcript itself belongs).readthrough)
Non coding genes
Small non coding genes
Long non coding genes
13,870 (excl 184 A readthrough transcript has exons that overlap exons from transcripts belonging to two or more different loci (in addition to the locus to which the readthrough transcript itself belongs).readthrough)
Misc non coding genes
A gene that has homology to known protein-coding genes but contain a frameshift and/or stop codon(s) which disrupts the ORF. Thought to have arisen through duplication followed by loss of function.Pseudogenes
14,181 (excl 4 A readthrough transcript has exons that overlap exons from transcripts belonging to two or more different loci (in addition to the locus to which the readthrough transcript itself belongs).readthrough)
A transcript is the operational unit of a gene. In a genomic context, transcripts consist of one or more exons, with adjoining exons being separated by introns. The exons/introns are transcribed and then the introns spliced out. Transcripts may or may not encode a proteinGene transcripts
Gene counts (Alternative sequence)
Gene/transcipt that contains an open reading frame (ORF).Coding genes
2,606 (excl 37 A readthrough transcript has exons that overlap exons from transcripts belonging to two or more different loci (in addition to the locus to which the readthrough transcript itself belongs).readthrough)
Non coding genes
Small non coding genes
Long non coding genes
783 (excl 24 A readthrough transcript has exons that overlap exons from transcripts belonging to two or more different loci (in addition to the locus to which the readthrough transcript itself belongs).readthrough)
Misc non coding genes
A gene that has homology to known protein-coding genes but contain a frameshift and/or stop codon(s) which disrupts the ORF. Thought to have arisen through duplication followed by loss of function.Pseudogenes
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