Human (GRCh37.p13)

ribosomal protein S18 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:10401]

Gene Synonyms

D6S218E, HKE3, KE-3, KE3, S18


Chromosome 6: 33,239,787-33,244,287 forward strand.


View alleles of this gene on alternative sequences

About this gene

This gene has 8 transcripts (splice variants) and 1 gene allele.

Show/hide columns (1 hidden)
  • Transcript ID
  • Name
  • bp
  • Protein
  • Translation ID
  • Biotype
  • CCDS
  • UniProt Match
  • RefSeq
  • Flags
Transcript IDNamebpProteinBiotypeCCDSUniProt MatchRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
CCDS4771J3JS69 P62269 Q5GGW2
-Ensembl CanonicalGENCODE Basic
Protein coding
J3JS69 NM_022551.2GENCODE Basic
ENST00000476222.1RPS18-003685No protein
Processed transcript
ENST00000472218.1RPS18-0041109No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000490191.1RPS18-005996No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000496813.1RPS18-007642No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000474626.1RPS18-006639No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000479802.1RPS18-008413No protein
Retained intron

Retirement notice

Human only - retirement of this view

As of Ensembl release 93 this view will no longer be available for human, because we feel that the density of known human genetic variation is too great for the display to be informative in its current form.

Other species will not be affected, as they have less variation data.

For more information about the decision and on how to find variation data for a gene, please see our blog post.

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