Human (GRCh37.p13)

enhancer of mRNA decapping 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:17157]

Gene Synonyms

GE1, Ge-1, HEDL5, HEDLS, RCD-8, RCD8


Chromosome 16: 67,906,926-67,918,406 forward strand.


About this gene

This gene has 14 transcripts (splice variants).

Show/hide columns (1 hidden)
  • Transcript ID
  • Name
  • bp
  • Protein
  • Translation ID
  • Biotype
  • CCDS
  • UniProt Match
  • RefSeq
  • Flags
Transcript IDNamebpProteinBiotypeCCDSUniProt MatchRefSeqFlags
Protein coding
CCDS10849Q6P2E9 NM_014329.4Ensembl CanonicalGENCODE Basic
Protein coding
--CDS 5' incomplete
Protein coding
I3L3M2 -CDS 5' and 3' incomplete
Protein coding
I3L0V0 -CDS 5' incomplete
ENST00000574770.1EDC4-0051425No protein
Processed transcript
ENST00000572221.1EDC4-0025267No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000573992.1EDC4-0043934No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000536072.2EDC4-0032375No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000575514.1EDC4-0111016No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000577028.1EDC4-009747No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000576972.1EDC4-010747No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000572031.1EDC4-007584No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000575507.1EDC4-012570No protein
Retained intron
ENST00000572724.1EDC4-008516No protein
Retained intron

EDC4 (HGNC Symbol)


This gene has proteins that correspond to the following UniProtKB identifiers: Q6P2E9


This gene is a member of the Human CCDS set: CCDS10849.1

Ensembl version


Other assemblies

This gene maps to 67,873,023-67,884,503 in GRCh38 coordinates.

Gene type

Protein coding

Annotation method

Annotation for this gene includes both automatic annotation from Ensembl and Havana manual curation, see article.

Alternative genes

This gene corresponds to the following database identifiers:

Havana gene:
OTTHUMG00000137543 (version 4)

Basic Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19

The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).

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Basic Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19

The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).

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