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    Sequence and assembly

    • Contigs

    Genes and transcripts

    Enable/disable all Genes
    • Comprehensive Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19 (Genes (Comprehensive set from GENCODE 19))
      The GENCODE Comprehensive set is the gene set for human and mouse
    • Basic Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19
      The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).

    Prediction transcripts


      Enable/disable all Sequence variants
      • Sequence variants (dbSNP and all other sources)
        Sequence variants from all sources
      Enable/disable all 1000 Genomes


          Enable/disable all Phenotype/disease variants by source
            Enable/disable all LSDB-associated variants
              Enable/disable all Phenotype annotations
                Enable/disable all Arrays and other

                  Failed variants

                    Enable/disable all Copy number variant probes
                      Enable/disable all Structural variants
                      • Smaller structural variants (all sources) (SV - Smaller variants)
                        Structural variants from all sources which are less than 1Mb in length. The colours correspond to the structural variant classes.
                        For an explanation of the display, see the dbVar documentation.
                      • Larger structural variants (all sources) (SV - Larger variants)
                        Structural variants from all sources which are at least 1Mb in length. The colours correspond to the structural variant classes.
                        For an explanation of the display, see the dbVar documentation.

                      Somatic mutations

                      Enable/disable all Somatic variants
                      • Somatic variants (all sources) (Variant - All somatic)
                        Somatic variants from all sources
                      Enable/disable all Somatic structural variants
                      • Somatic structural variants (all sources) (SV - Somatic)
                        Somatic structural variants from all sources. For an explanation of the display, see the dbVar documentation. In addition, we display the breakpoints in yellow.


                      Regulatory features

                      • Fantom 5
                        Fantom 5 TSS/Enhancer Predictions
                      • TarBase
                        Tarbase miRNA target predictions
                      • VISTA
                        VISTA Enhancer Assay (

                      Information and decorations

                      Enable/disable all tracks
                      • Vertical mark ()
                        Shows the middle of the feature
                      • Scale bar ()
                        Shows the scalebar
                      • Ruler ()
                        Shows the length of the region being displayed
                      • Variant Legend
                      • Structural Variant Legend
                      • Alignment Difference Legend
                      • Regulation Legend
                      • Methylation Legend
                      • Display in-track labels
                      • Highlight current feature

                      Display options

                      Looking for more data? Search the Trackhub Registry for external sources of annotation


                      • Track style
                      • Forward strand
                      • Reverse strand
                      • Favourite track
                      • Track information
                      • External data
                      • User-added track

                      Please note that the content of external tracks is not the responsibility of the Ensembl project.

                      URL-based tracks may either slow down your ensembl browsing experience OR may be unavailable as these are served and stored from other servers elsewhere on the Internet.