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Genes and transcripts

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  • Basic Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19
    The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).

Protein domains

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  • Gene3D
    CATH/Gene3D families.
    HAMAP families.
    PANTHER families.
    Protein domains and motifs from the PIR (Protein Information Resource) Superfamily database.
  • PROSITE patterns
    Protein domains and motifs from the PROSITE patterns database.
  • PROSITE profiles
    Protein domains and motifs from the PROSITE profiles database.
  • Pfam
    Protein domains and motifs from the Pfam database.
  • Prints
    Protein fingerprints (groups of conserved motifs) from the PRINTS database.
    Protein domains and motifs from the SMART database.
  • Superfamily
    Protein domains and motifs from the SUPERFAMILY database.
    Protein domains and motifs from the TIGRFAM database.

Consequence options

Intron Context

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