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Human cDNAs from NCBI RefSeq are aligned to the genome using GeneWise.
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Human cDNAs from NCBI RefSeq are aligned to the genome using GeneWise.
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GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)
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The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).
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Mappings between primary assembly and alternate loci or patches.
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Track showing sequence in both directions. Only displayed at 1Kb and below.
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The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).
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Protein coding sequences agreed upon by the Consensus Coding Sequence project, or CCDS.
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GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) and pseudo autosomal regions (PARs)
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Track showing sequence in both directions. Only displayed at 1Kb and below.
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Cytogenetic bands
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Timing of the most recent mutation as determined by inter-species whole genome alignments. Each base pair in which the human reference genome differs by substitution from one of its inferred ancestral genomes is colored in either grey (event prior to the primate branch), blue (primate specific), red (human specific, fixed variant), or yellow (human specific segregating variant, i.e. SNP). Clicking on a mutation position reveals the sub-tree of species which have inherited the same mutation from their common ancestor. It also reveals a score that represents the age of the mutation in arbitrary units, and determines the intensity of the coloring. The more recent the mutation, the lower the score and the darker the color.
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Positions of UniGene sequences along the genome. These are determined using TBLASTN of Genscan predictions against UniGene sequences.
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Track showing underlying assembly contigs.
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Protein coding sequences agreed upon by the Consensus Coding Sequence project, or CCDS.
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Positions of UniGene sequences along the genome. These are determined using TBLASTN of Genscan predictions against UniGene sequences.
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Variants that have been associated with a phenotype or a disease
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Variants genotyped by the 1000 Genomes project (phase 3)
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Timing of the most recent mutation as determined by inter-species whole genome alignments. Each base pair in which the human reference genome differs by substitution from one of its inferred ancestral genomes is colored in either grey (event prior to the primate branch), blue (primate specific), red (human specific, fixed variant), or yellow (human specific segregating variant, i.e. SNP). Clicking on a mutation position reveals the sub-tree of species which have inherited the same mutation from their common ancestor. It also reveals a score that represents the age of the mutation in arbitrary units, and determines the intensity of the coloring. The more recent the mutation, the lower the score and the darker the color.
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