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    Genome Reference Consortium Issues

              Sequence and assembly

              Enable/disable all Sequence
              • Contigs
                Track showing underlying assembly contigs.
              • Sequence
                Track showing sequence in both directions. Only displayed at 1Kb and below.


                Enable/disable all GRC alignments
                • Primary assembly mapping
                  Mappings between primary assembly and alternate loci or patches.
                Enable/disable all Simple features
                  Enable/disable all Clones & misc. regions

                    Genes and transcripts

                    Enable/disable all Genes
                    • Basic Gene Annotations from GENCODE 19
                      The GENCODE set is the gene set for human and mouse. GENCODE Basic is a subset of representative transcripts (splice variants).
                    • CCDS set
                      Protein coding sequences agreed upon by the Consensus Coding Sequence project, or CCDS.

                    Prediction transcripts


                          mRNA and protein alignments

                          Enable/disable all mRNA alignments
                          • EST cluster (Unigene)
                            Positions of UniGene sequences along the genome. These are determined using TBLASTN of Genscan predictions against UniGene sequences.
                          • Human cDNAs (RefSeq)
                            Human cDNAs from NCBI RefSeq are aligned to the genome using GeneWise.
                          Enable/disable all EST alignments
                            Enable/disable all Protein alignments


                              Enable/disable all Sequence variants
                                Enable/disable all 1000 Genomes


                                    Enable/disable all Phenotype/disease variants by source
                                    • All phenotype-associated - short variants (SNPs and indels)
                                      Variants that have been associated with a phenotype or a disease
                                    Enable/disable all LSDB-associated variants
                                      Enable/disable all Phenotype annotations
                                        Enable/disable all Arrays and other

                                          Failed variants

                                            Enable/disable all Copy number variant probes
                                              Enable/disable all Structural variants
                                              • 1000 Genomes 3 - All (structural variants) (SV - 1000 Genomes 3 - All)
                                                Variants genotyped by the 1000 Genomes project (phase 3)

                                              Somatic mutations

                                              Enable/disable all Somatic variants
                                                Enable/disable all Somatic structural variants

                                                  Looking for more data? Search the Trackhub Registry for external sources of annotation


                                                  • Track style
                                                  • Forward strand
                                                  • Reverse strand
                                                  • Favourite track
                                                  • Track information
                                                  • External data
                                                  • User-added track

                                                  Please note that the content of external tracks is not the responsibility of the Ensembl project.

                                                  URL-based tracks may either slow down your ensembl browsing experience OR may be unavailable as these are served and stored from other servers elsewhere on the Internet.